26 May 2024

26.05.2024 Home alone [again.]


  Sunday 26th 56F/13C.[6.40] Overcast and misty. With 200m invisibility. Risk of thunder storms and heavy showers.  

 Up at 6am after a quiet night.  

The flower bed at dusk last night.

 My visitor goes home today. After managing amazing results in tidying, selection for charity donation and reorganization of "the collection." My burden will be reduced by a further two, large trailers full, once delivered. 

 The former bedroom and stage area are finally clear of random boxes of stuff. There was the added bonus of companionship and endless talking. We exchange emails on a daily basis.

The raised "stage" on the landing hasn't been this clear in 28 years! My wife and I watched a whole series of ever larger TVs. Over the top of the banister and across the open stairwell. As the technology steadily changed from boxed CRT to flat screen OLED. From satellite TV to VHS tapes, to film DVDs to Netflix streaming and YouTube via fiber Internet. The black TV support bar can come down now. 

 9.00 60F/15.6C. Returned from a warm, sunny walk. The breeze helped to take the edge off the sun burning through my jumper. Light Sunday traffic.

 10.00 70F/21C. Mist cleared. Bright sunshine. The greenhouse doors have been opened to remove the excess heat.

 13.00 Lunch. I have driven my visitor to the bus stop in the village. To start her long journey home. A few rumbles of thunder but remaining dry locally. Bands of heavy rain, with lightning. Have been passing north and south of us on the DMI radar. 

 14.45 The start of half an hour of torrential rain.

 Dinner was mackerel on toast with tomatoes. Followed by full can of tomato soup and a bread roll. Washed down with the last smidgen of the red wine. Pictures tomorrow if/when technology catches up with its empty promises. Posted tomorrow by a time traveler. One day at a time.



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