14 May 2024

14.05.2024 A tidying we shall go! Tra-la!


  Tuesday 14th 59F/15C [7.30] Bright sunshine  in a clear sky again. Breezy again.

  Up at 6.30 after a quiet night. My chest and back are hurting. [Furniture moving?] 

 The kitchen seems twice the size after yesterday's tidying! Still plenty to do. The dresser shelving has become a repository for junk. The bottom cupboards are full of glasses. Which are highly unlikely to ever get any exercise. 

 A large trolley, covered in more junk, sits in the left corner beyond the countertop. It isn't earning its keep. The whole mess needs to be sorted, donated to charity, or dumped. There is little even potentially useful. Just forlorn memories clinging to an absent soul.

 The other corner has become a repository for my unused building materials. Mostly small bags of cement, tile adhesive, etc. It probably has a "use before" date on most of it. Built in chemical obsolescence. It can probably go over to the gravel, carport pad I have been building. To be become more rubble/hardcore. 

 I have plans for reserve stocks of tiles in the corner of the lounge near the stove. It was never finished. [By me] Leaving a strip of floor against the wall lower than the rest. It was soon hidden from view by an accumulation of excess furniture. Now I can cut some tiles to complete the job properly. I have already moved an oversized coffee table into that corner. With another untidy aspidistra for company. 

 I don't think they work well in pairs. A contrast is required to avoid clashing with each other. So now I have to go window shopping for a suitable house plant! Monstera? Anything will help to hide the hideously unfinished wall. As usual, photos of the interior make it look far worse than the eye can fathom. 

 13.30 71F/22C. Breezy with solid sunshine. A lovely day. The countryside is very beautiful. With miles of lilac hedges in flower. Fresh leaves on the trees. Returned from visiting my friend. I went in the Morris. I can feel my heartbeat as a pulsing pain in my ribs.  

 Dinner was fish fingers and chips.



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