19 May 2024

19.05.2024 More spring cleaning.


  Sunday 19th 55F/13C [6.45] Another warm, sunny and breezy day. Up at 6am after a quiet night. My ribs are still hurting.

 A walk to the lanes yet again provided entertainment from the vocal warblers. Light Sunday traffic on a bank holiday was to be expected. 

 I have changed tactics on the ants. Instead of stomping on them with a fingertip. I scrubbed the windowsill with bleach. My [clever?] thinking being: That denying them all hope of sustenance. Would send them foraging elsewhere. 

 Sadly, the ants just poked their tiny tongues at me and carried on regardless. Though their numbers are presently down to a highly visible three. A manageable, if not sizable majority. Though I do have the advantage of brawn. If not their brains. Meaning AI, in layman's terms. I just hope I don't have to spell it out for you. 

 What I should be doing is tidying and vacuuming but where's the fun in that? It's a very thin line between satisfaction and smugness!

 Nevertheless, I spent some time laundering, vacuuming and cleaning in the afternoon. The ants had amassed reinforcements and regrouped in another corner of the windowsill. Caught me completely by surprise. I felt I had to end the uprising. So resorted to heavy artillery. Wet fingertips!

Dinner was chicken, mushrooms and tweggs. I broke one egg turning it over in the pan. Again! The pan is dry by the time I drop the eggs in. The small bit of butter is soon absorbed by the chicken and mushrooms. I have given up on oil. YouTube says it oxidizes.



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