12 May 2024

12.05.2024 Keep on trikin'!


  Sunday 12th 52F/11C. [8.00] Bright white sky, with a week of warm sunshine promised.

 Up at 7am after a reasonable night. I have gone from repeated coughing to occasional and unpleasant bouts.

8.15. A walk I think.

 9.05 57F/14C. Warm sunshine. Back from my walk. I took my Lumix G9 with the 50-200 Leica lens. Though I still took some pictures with the mobile phone. Where the long lens provided too narrow a view. The stone collector was not present today. So I could not make them aware of the dangers of mowing Japanese knotweed. 

 I wandered down the shared drive. Through scrap man's affront to the natural order. Where I was eventually confronted by a hairy "guard dog." Somewhat lower than my knee cap. I stood quite still until it stopped barking. It sniffed and then quickly lost interest. I retreated the way I had come.

 A mix of warblers were singing in the roadside trees. A Greenfinch wheezed in the garden. Lots of other birds were heard but not seen. I wore a shirt over a t-shirt. Either garment alone would have been more than comfortable in the bright sunshine. The trees and shrubs were looking at their best in their brand new foliage. 

 An ideal day for a ride. Dare I take the trike for a spin? Perhaps just into the village for some bread rolls and milk? Have I lost the knack for riding a trike? Do I have breath enough? Panting might clear my chest more quickly. So many unanswered questions. Until I try.

 11.30 63F/17C. Back from a trike ride into the village. Warm and sunny.  5km each way. Headwind going. Tailwind coming back. Borderline breathless quite often. Not much strength in my legs. Better on the way back. Probably helped by the tailwind. My ribs hurt most of the way. Leaning forwards was not very comfortable.

 Dinner was salad.



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