13 May 2024

13.05.2024 Spring cleaning? Surely not?


  Monday 13th 57F/14C [8am] Breezy and bright sunshine.

 Up at 7am after waking at 6am. My cough has all but disappeared. Though my ribs still hurt. I should have gone for  walk  but decided to use the time to tidy up and launder new items prior to use. While I am in the mood to be constructive. I emptied the recycling bins and watered all the aspidistras. I plan to bring down the now empty, tallboy chest of drawers. It would provide a more sensible, minor clothes storage system than the large, oak chest of drawers. 

 Location is the problem. My wife used it and kept it beside the chimney. Where it blocked free movement. I have now removed the plastic baskets of logs and kindling from the room. The baskets nest well. So I can stack them neatly in the greenhouse and return the logs to the pile.   

 Will I be able to collect my e-bike from the workshop today? There was a severe danger of the front brake line [hose] being stretched by the new, swept back handlebars. So I asked the workshop to fit a longer line/hose. Just to be safe. 

 Why wouldn't Magura use standard hydraulic fittings for its brake lines? I think the workshop tried to use Shimano standard fittings but they wouldn't hold any pressure. I presume they have ordered new parts from their wholesaler. So It might take some time to receive them. I imagine the bike trade has a quick spares delivery system. Much like the motor trade.

 I prefer to use the skill of the workshop staff to get it right. Rather than attempt a clumsy bodge myself. It involves using the correct hydraulic fluid and bleeding the brakes afterwards. Something they do regularly. Using the correct methods and quite possibly, unique tools. Not something the average owner of disk brakes needs to guess at. Though no doubt there are countless YT video guides. Brakes matter! It's life or death that they work flawlessly. With the the subtlety of power one expects when needed.

 11.30 68F/20C. Breezy, full sunshine. I have brought the tall chest of drawers downstairs and filled it with socks and pants. I had to cut away a crude, wooden windowsill. Which prevented best positioning to the left. 

 The greenhouse end doors are open. With two windows open into the house. To air and warm the interior. The ants are back on the kitchen windowsill. I have repeatedly dusted them with the expensive poison but it has no obvious effect.  

 I spent the day tidying and laundering. Moving furniture. Reducing the mess I had made myself. For myself. By myself. Feeling sorry for myself. When I was jumping from one project to another. Never finishing anything properly. Overwhelmed by the sheer burden of it all.  I made a small dent in the whole mess of the kitchen. It needs the self discipline I sorely lack. The motivation usually reserved for hobbies. Useful storage space I still lack.

 Dinner was mackerel on toast with cherry tomatoes. Washed down with a beer and then a milky coffee.



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