24 May 2024

24.05.2024 Bringing order to chaos!


  Friday 24th 56F/13C.[7.00] Brighter now, as the early clouds clear. Dry with 20C and some sunshine promised. Up at 6am after a reasonable night. My pictures have finally uploaded from my phone to the PC. No idea why they won't upload seemingly at random intervals. It is far too time consuming to select and upload. More than one or two images manually.

 The plan for today is to try to bring some order to the upstairs collection. Which I have hardly touched. Since dragging it all onto the steel shelving units I bought for the purpose. With the rest stuffed into translucent tubs on the floor of our former, even more cluttered bedroom. Despite the removal of a bed and multiple items of superfluous furniture. It is proving almost impossible to find anything in the present, random chaos.

 7.45. Time for a walk in the strengthening sunshine.

 8.30 Returned from my usual walk to the lanes. The sun was heavily veiled. There was not a breath of wind and the turbines up on the hill were completely still. I was too warm in a jumper as I tried to maintain a fairly brisk pace. The usual birds were singing. A white van man swerved towards me. On a straight section of road without any opposing traffic. No clear business markings. I was too surprised to note if his registration plates were Danish. 

 10.30 I have made a path to the balcony windows for the armchair. Having destroyed the 3-seater settee to make room for the hospital bed. For my wife's last few days in the living room. The matching chair owes me nothing more after decades of use. 

 It worked a treat! The window brace just cleared the chair as I dropped it over the sill from the first floor. It landed safely upright on the lawn. Ready to be dumped in the trailer. For the first time in nearly 30 years there is large, empty space in the corner of the attic. By lunch time the bedroom shelving held only a fraction of its earlier load. Large, bin bags of clothing, curtains, bedding are waiting downstairs. Plus half a dozen boxes of mixed stuff. 

 It can all go in the old car for a run to a charity shop. Probably into town. Despite the greater distance they are large enough to absorb a whole range of items. As could the large charity shop in the village. Though I am no longer willing to deal with the miserable and ignorant staff and manager.

 16.15 65F/18C. Sunny periods. Another break for a rest. The lounge floor is now covered in dozens of full boxes for charity donation. I would estimate we have reduced my wife's remaining hoard by 80%. Having somebody to help and guide my choices has worked wonders. 

 A lifetime collection is no more. The bedroom floor is clear. There are still all the boxed and packed glass items, the ornamental china. Her countless cats in all their variety. 

 Her teapot collection can go on Facebook small ads. It is too pretty and varied to be separated on the whim of a charity shop volunteer. No doubt a collector would enjoy adding them to an existing collection. For only a modest sum. I am not greedy. I just want them to be fully appreciated. For their craftsmanship and beauty. As did my wife.

 My visitor reports two deer in the garden today. The double gates on the drive kept them out for years. Now the drive is wide open.  

 Dinner was salad with fish fingers. The suggestion was a shock to the system but the combination was superb. One to remember as part of my culinary education.


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