18 May 2024

18.05.2024 It's hell out there!


  Saturday 18th 55F [7.15] Bright sunshine again. It could top out at over 22C/72F today. 

 Up at 6.45 after waking at 5am. Because of the bank holiday it was recycling bin day but I didn't know that.

A better picture of the roadside lilac in sunshine.

 09.30 61F/16C. Returned from a warm walk to the lanes. Countless birds in the hedgerows. Saw several warblers moving between trees. A solitary swallow. Loads of skylarks. The garden trees are full of birds as well. I can hear the tiny wren competing with all the other birds. 

 The traffic was very light on the outward leg. Busier on my return. Scrap man has dumped more scrap. I haven't seen him for ages. 

  15.00 72F/22C. I have been mowing the lawn under a merciless sun! I would still be out there but the batteries went flat.

 I found a bike shop in the city. Where they were willing to search for a replacement frame spring for the broken Con-Tec saddle. They have sent me a message. Unfortunately the wholesaler won't have spares until November! 

 Dinner was salad. Boiled eggs might have been nice but it was already late after washing up. 

I had better go out and tidy up the mower. The ants are still waging war with me on the kitchen window sill. An asymmetric war with no winners.



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