25 May 2024

25.05.2024 Hoard reduction.


  Saturday 25th 53F/12C [6.30] A bright and sunny day peaking at 20C is promised. Up at 5.30 after a quiet night. 

 I have to deliver half a trailer full of grass cuttings to the recycling yard. Otherwise I can't fill the trailer with all the boxes of charity shop donations. The large armchair is still sitting on the lawn. If I time my visit to the recycling yard for the 9 o' clock opening I can dump the chair as well. 

 Then I shall return home to collect the boxes. Before driving to one of the large charity shops in town. Which can easily handle the sheer quantity involved. It should all go into the trailer with careful packing. 

 Meanwhile my guest will be clearing the raised stage area by the upstairs landing. Lots of crockery needs to be wrapped in newspaper and boxed. A skill which she has already proven to enjoy. The results can be delivered to town during the week. Hopefully when I can collect my e-bike.

 8.15. 60F/15.6C. Bright sunshine. I have the trailer hitched to the old car. The armchair is lifted in and tied down. Still too early to go.

 9.30 64F/18C. Variable, warm sunshine. Returned from the recycling yard minus grass cuttings and armchair. The trailer has been swept clean and dry. Then carefully loaded with all the charity donations. I shan't take it to town this morning. It can go next week. Perhaps save a journey and collect the e-bike at the same time. 

 10.00 Had a rest and a cup of coffee to recover.

 12.30 Returned from a shopping trip to the next village. Where I ran across my foreman from the factory. I haven't seen him in probably 12 years or more. We had a pleasant chat to catch up. My Danish must have been much more fluent than it was back then. Meanwhile, back at the hovel, my guest has been busy tidying. I can hardly believe the incredible progress she has made. 

 17.00 Overcast. The stage area beside the landing is now cleared. Lots more boxes for charity. Another trailer load of glass, china, glass lampshades and ornaments is being wrapped in newspaper. To prepare it for safe travel. Another vast burden lifted. Her detachment from my wife's collection has been vital. She wrapped every fragile item and filled fresh boxes. To be taken downstairs to join the stack. Just the right balance of care and empathy. 

 I rewarded my guest by cooking again. Chicken, mushrooms and chips. Washed down with organic red wine. It was absolutely perfect.



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