29 Mar 2023

29.03.2023 Yo heave ho!


 Wednesday 29th 38F. Heavy overcast and breezy. The garden trees are swaying. Rain on the south facing windows. Light showers are forecast. Museum day. I will probably go on my bike. 

 The battery is fully charged as usual. I bring it into the lounge to warm up before charging it. 

 I want a much larger display of the battery charge when out on my bike. The tiny digits in the top corner of the Kiox display are impossible to read without my reading glasses. I haven't found a screen which shows the remaining charge in large digits. Yet it is the most important data which needs to be known on a longer ride. 

 Not a great picture. The '100' at top right is the battery indicator. I simply cannot read those tiny digits without reading glasses. I don't want to wear reading glasses when out on my bike! Nor do I want to stop to find my glasses. Just to check the remaining charge. 

 Every other combination of data is readily available on the multitude of optional screens. Which can be paged though by pressing buttons on the remote control. The same buttons which are too small for easy selection while wearing my winter gloves!

 13.20. 43F. Lunch over. Still overcast. The rain was rattling on the grenhouse roof, this morning, as I prepared the e-bike. So I locked it up again, removed the battery and went in the car. It rained, on and off, at the museum. Where I amused myself by raking and gathering fallen twigs. Before taking them away to the compost heaps in a wheelbarrow. 

 Later, I helped to remove a heavy safe from one of the intended display rooms. Never underestimate what half a dozen old, but experienced men can achieve. Using simple tools, brute strength and rollers. Given another hour we could have completed the pyramids. 😏

 Mid afternoon I went for a shopping ride. I must have done a couple of miles before it started raining. It never stopped! One pair of gloves soaked. Changed to the better ones. Bought a load of groceries. Filled one pannier. The Endura jacket continues to quickly darken in the wet but doesn't leak inside. At least, not yet. I checked carefully when I got home. No dampness inside at all. 20km. Half in Sport and half in Tour mode. 27kph average speed. 83rpm average cadence. 536km so far.

 Dinner was beans on toast. The bean manufacturers had forgotten to add the tomato sauce. Which should have alerted me to the fact that they hadn't cooked the beans properly either. I added just enough water to allow the beans to be heated normally in the saucepan. Plus a smidgen of pepper to make the beans more edible. 

 11.30. I have just been along the drive, in the rain, with the dustbin. Having forgotten repeatedly to do it earlier. When it was still light. At least I am not burning my beans. They put you in an old people's home for that. Not cooking your beans? Leave that to big business. Along with cooking the books.


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