23 Mar 2023

23.03.2023 A theoretical [more theatrical] omelette.


 Thursday 23rd 8C/46F. Very heavy overcast and raining. Westerly wind. Expected to stop raining after 10am. Aching all over again.

 The Bosch Connect App is not working properly. It won't show route maps of my rides. Nor does it update to show new rides.

 More winter weather is promised soon. So I ought to be moving the new logs into the greenhouse. The wet weather has made this much more difficult. I don't want to uncover the trailer in case the logs get wet. While working with the cover in place makes everything much slower. I wheelbarrow the logs into the greenhouse from the splitting site just around the corner. It is far too risky to split logs near the greenhouse. Besides, it makes an awful mess on the gravel drive. 

 Whoops! No bread roll for morning coffee. I need to shop for groceries. I also need a new baking tray for the mini-oven. A big shed discount chain has them in town. I could do all the shopping in town from the car. If it will start. It did. Instantly.

 11.00 10C/50F  It is brightening up. There was brief sunshine earlier and it remained dry. I have just returned from town. I bought a load of groceries to save entirely wasting the journey.  Because there were no mini-oven trays. Online sales only and no dimensions? Are they rationing them?

 Then I found some cheap running shoes/trainers on discount in a high street sports shop. These had fine patterned soles and were low key, all black. With the grippy rubber sole I needed for the flat [MTB style] pedals on the e-bike. 

 There was some fun to be had at the supermarket. I had taken back a huge kitchen towel roll. The manufacturer had forgotten the perforations. Resulting i several meters of the paper roll strewn across the kitchen when I gave it a really good tug. The young chap on the checkouts thought it highly amusing. Though readily admitted they'd had a few returns. We did a painless/cashless swap.

 12.15 Dry but mostly cloudy and rather windy all day. I have split six wheelbarrows worth of logs and stacked them in the greenhouse. Too tired to continue for the moment. I was robbed! The firewood is mixed with a lot of birch. I asked for and paid for beech. I wondered why he went to another pile from the last three times. 

 An afternoon relaxing with YT videos. Then an intended short nap which turned into an hour! I have more chicken and mushrooms now. So I can cook a proper meal tonight. [Well, proper by my standards, anyway.] Curry? A fry up with more chips? Not sure yet.

 Dinner was a theoretical omelette. Previous attempts had looked horrendous. So I separated the egg and meat cooking stages. Only adding them together at the end. Predictably, the egg stuck fast to the pan. The mushrooms and chicken were perfectly cooked but showed no attraction whatsoever for the omelette. Resulting in a visual nightmare. Tasty though. 😋 The brown sauce was a mistake. It wasn't needed.

 I have gone back to trying to rescue the original baking tray from the mini-oven. I have tried vinegar for days. No change. Brown soap for a week. No change. Boiling water and washing up liquid. No change. Now I am trying baking soda. It frothed like mad when I added boiling water. I'll report tomorrow if there is any change.


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