There was rumbling and heavy engines on the air but I saw nothing in the fields. The traffic was about average.
I wore my old trekking sandals. Just for a change from the heavy Ecco walking boots. Which are cracked at the fold at the base of the toecap. Luckily they remain waterproof so far. Despite almost daily use in all weathers for what must be several years now. They have sometimes been very uncomfortable indeed. Particularly from new. I would never risk buying another pair and suffering the same problems all over again.
My first pair of Ecco boots were bought from a charity shop for £5 equivalent. I don't remember any complaints so bought new and EXPENSIVE Eccos after two pairs of Salomon GTXs failed to last.
Before the present Ecco boots I had two pairs of Salomon GTX. These were very comfortable from new but both pairs soon leaked even on short, wet grass. You could feel the cold water coming in just crossing the lawn!
My daily walks are often on marshy ground, knee high weeds and in snow. The second pair were replacements under guarantee! These boots are very popular. Probably for their comfort. I remember saying that they were like wearing slippers.
They claimed Goretex waterproofing but that was no recommendation in both of my examples. They have a reputation for being too warm. A quick check of my blog showed the Salomons were as waterproof as blotting paper. The second pair lasted no time at all before they leaked. And squeaked! Hence the purchase of the Ecco "concrete wellies." Waterproof, but all too often, torture devices.
I have just read some "Best walking boots of 2020" reviews and not one of them agrees. Not even the same boots, nor even the same makers, in their top tens! This is ridiculous! How am I supposed to know what to buy next? Independent reviews? What about completely random reviews?
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