Well over an hour, in all and 59 photos. Saw a lot of birds of prey. The buzzards may be nesting in that area. Quiet hilly fields and a quiet lane with tongues of forest and copses provide peace and security.
Redpolls and Yellowhammers were perched on trees, nearby, as birds came and went to their nests in stacks of tree trunks. Which are left to dry in the sunshine for several years at a time. A large, brown deer watched as I approached until the last moment when it bolted for the woods.
Later I had a hilly ride coming back through the forest on the way home from the village. I felt surprisingly fit. With hardly any panting while climbing the steep hills. Probably about 10 miles altogether. Quite a gentle wind today made it all the more pleasant to be out.
World meteorologists are now saying that the world will exceed 1.5° above recent historic norms within the next five years. So much for the bullshit.
If the wealthy and powerful in US, UK, Europe, India, Asia, Africa and others, are all cheating in their exams. While blatantly purchasing their exclusive education at the expense of the lower classes. While the universally corrupt, sociopathic, communist scum, in China, routinely cheat on their exams. Then is it any wonder that the world is so utterly fucked up?
We always get the second rate failures at every level of society from presidents on down, right around the globe. Meanwhile, those with the most promise are relegated to jobs servicing the pampered, tax avoidance cheats. Or having to work to support their education costs. Simply because they cannot afford the education they so richly deserve. The wealthy scum even ensure that outdated text books must be bought new from the publishers each time. All to ensure their exclusivity in their education, money-laundering scam.
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