The weather gods obviously disliked my criticism of their high priests. A promising start on my walk to the lanes with wind roaring in the trees and brief periods of brightness. Then, after only half a mile it started tipping down.
I returned, walking close to the wrong verge. To enjoy the shelter of the roadside trees on that windward side. While keeping an eye and dull ear out for traffic approaching from behind. Fortunately there were very few vehicles and all gave me a wide berth. There was a period of sunshine before torrential rain and hail. Cabin fever returns.
Tuesday 7th 56F Bright sunshine to start. Cloud and rain forecast for later. Walked to the lanes after it became overcast. A bird of prey was hunting on the wind. Making C-shapes over the fields by flying in arcs with a twitch of its long wings. Possibly a Red kit but I couldn't be certain. A solitary hare was lying flat on the winter flooded area on the fields again. 11.30am and still no rain.
12.30 and now it is pouring down and blowing a gale again!
Wednesday 8th 52F, It has clouded over after a brighter start. At least the wind has dropped.
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