Thursday 2nd, 58F, bright start but cloudy. Expected to become more so. Walked to the lanes. Alternating between overcast and blue splodges all morning.
Idiocy ensures that idiots will always think themselves smarter than all the other dumbasses. Idiocy makes the world go around. Idiocy is addictive and always terminal.
If idiocy was a commodity, then Chump would be a trillionaire: Instead of a dumb, tax evader. If it were not for idiocy there would be no political parties. [At all] Voting is the absolute proof that crippling idiocy is rife. More people die from common idiocy than in all the wars, famines and pandemics combined.
Idiocy rules. Idiocy attracts. Idiocy is sexy? Idiocy is all pervading. Idiocy keeps the hospitals busy. If idiocy could be eliminated there would be no need for prisons. Idiot with lots of idiot children to support: Give generously. Idiocy is not a disease: It is nurtured. The scientist who cures idiocy will be dead within minutes at the hands of those he hoped to save from themselves.
Few are born idiots: It takes endless practice and constant coaching. You cannot separate an idiot from his idiocy. Idiocy is like gravity: It drags all of us down. Idiocy is absolute proof that no god exists. Drugs and idiots go hand in hand [surreptitiously on street corners.] An idiot and his money are soon parted. Idiots can always be found in orbit around much bigger idiots.
Overpopulation is best left to the idiots: They have managed it fine so far. Crazes are pandemics of idiocy. Cults are concentrated idiocy. Idiocy is best served cold. Idiocy can easily be distilled from alcohol: It is its most commonly found container. You cannot keep idiots down: They rise like the scum they are. Free lessons in idiocy are always the most popular subjects at schools and colleges. Idiocy and respect for others are equals and opposites.
Idiots are like magnets: They are always drawn to each other. If idiocy could be cured overnight: They would refuse the jab. Encourage idiots not to wear masks: We will all gain in the end. Idiots and guns are joined at the hip: That's how they shoot their own toes off! Idiots don't need our respect or sympathy for their plight: After all, they weren't born that way: They accumulated idiocy by repeated failure until they achieved success. Only an idiot expects a different outcome which bashes in the face of science.
Gambling and idiocy are consenting bedfellows. Idiots pack so tightly together that they can never see the cracks. If you could roll idiocy into a ball you would have invented spectator sports. Do not pick on idiots: They will always do that for themselves. Idiocy works at the quantum level: Chump has only to share a fantasy from Fox News and it instantly becomes a universal fact amongst his followers. Doubt the idiot who proclaims his individualism: While wearing his team's latest jersey.
The shortest distance between any three idiots is measured in "fashions." Dares cannot exist in the absence of idiocy. If idiots were really supposed to inherit the earth, then the monkeys must still be the pinnacle of intelligence. Idiocy and belief walk hand in hand: Into a blazing, car wreck. Only idiots believe they can fly, unaided. Idiocy constantly walks a tightrope: Stretched slackly between fantasies. Only idiots believe that weather forecasts and Marvel Comic characters are real.
An idiot in free fall can never exceed his terminal idiocy quotient. The displacement of an idiot in water increases when they inhale. Idiocy and racism are inseparable partners, for life. Idiocy and reality are like matter and antimatter: They are mutually exclusive. If you could accelerate an idiot to the speed of light, what would you see? A dull flash in the pan. AI has already, greatly surpassed idiocy: They still haven't caught on. Idiots carry chips on their shoulders: Because their hands are already full.
You can take an idiot to knowledge but you can't make him think. Women are rarely as idiotic as men. They just pretend they are. To avoid continual embarrassment. Extremists and idiocy have no need of social cohesion.
If you smash random idiots together with great force.. what do you get? Football supporters. If you wanted to surgically target idiocy for elimination: Just nuke the takeaways. How do you really, really, really upset idiots? Cancel all the soaps. Only an idiot believes that the advertising blurb is the technical specification of a product. Only idiots are still buying VW diesels. How can you tell an idiot from a piece of wood? One of them could be useful.
Idiots are to expletives: As BBC English is to dumbing down. If a politician has his/her mouth open: Remember that they are only addressing the idiots. Give a man a little power and he should be regularly tested for idiocy antibodies.
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