31 Mar 2020

31.03.2020 Day 19 of self-isolation. Jinping Pandemic Darwin Award: Bolsonaro.


Google has broken Blogger. I'll try again later.

Tuesday 31st 24-44F, hard white frost, clear skies and sunshine. Lots of birds about in the hedges and trees. Walked to the lanes in thick brown dust clouds. From traffic running over the dried mud on the roads. Left there as a thick layer for over a week. By pig shit spreading farmers.

I could smell the pig shit on the rising dust. It may also explain why I have an itchy eye. Despite frequent rinsing once I arrived home and several times during the day.

Today's Jinping Pandemic Darwin Award goes to: Jair "Retardus" Bolsonaro. May we hope that he faces a genocide charge at the International Court if he survives his drooling idiocy? No, of course not! He is well above any law. And, after all, he was only following his hero, Herr Dr. Chump's deluded example. Herr Dr. "Nero" Chump is surely the world's Greatest Living Vitriologist by miles. For when the truth is simply too awful to comprehend for one so hideously disadvantaged. He needs all the honorary qualifications he can get!

Today is the official re-opening of Denmark's infamous recycling stations. Her Majesty The Queen was excused an official opening ceremony on the grounds of being in the "at risk" age group and a heavy smoker of Capstan Full Strength.

As is now well known from the international new headlines: Regular visitors to the Danish recycling yards are unable to maintain social distancing rules. So spare staff are being bussed in from SS Job Center Client Interview Divisions. They have been specially drafted in to apply highly modified cattle prods at no expense.

These prods are well over 2m long and will allow extreme pain in air head socialisers. Without the risk of undermining strict social distancing rules by the prod operatives themselves. It was seriously considered importing trained Welsh Sheep Dogs. Though that would probably lead to reduced social distancing rather than the desired separation.

It may all seem a bit "unnecessarily" harsh but we are dealing with an aging population group. Brought up on a fatty diet of Janteloven, intensively reared, factory farmed, Danish bacon and intensively reared, factory farmed, Danish hen's eggs.  All on Danish Rye, fried bread, paving slabs. With lashings of intensively reared and factory farmed Danish butter.

Most of them are so deaf. Or just so daft. That to use a net for their garden waste trailer would be unthinkable. So that most roads in Denmark are constantly and heavily over-decorated with garden waste. Not to  mention all the other other McLardy's detritus. As the "Reckless Recyklers" daily attempt new Danish Land Speed Records for trailer towing on every outing. So it's all having to wait for global warming to raise the tides enough to rinse everything away. Denmark would so easily win any competition for road composting. That it was banned from the last Olympics for insider trading of gold medals.


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