24 Mar 2020

24.03.2020 Day 12. And now for some good news? Jack Ma versus Jinping's protection racket.


Tuesday 24th 33F, bright, but with some thin high cloud taking the edge off the sun. There was a bitterly cold wind as I circumnavigated the nearest prairie. It took me about an hour at a brisk pace with brief stops for photography and simply to admire the view.

The picture is taken from the local summit at the forest's edge. It shows how easily the eye is defeated by perspective. The strip of wooded marsh is partially hidden in the foreground. While the tractor suddenly brings the seemingly distant ridge down to a far more human scale. The mobile telephone mast is in the next village just over the rise.  Rather less than two miles away. The most distant hills and houses are only 7 miles away as the trike flies. But only five miles measured in standard crows feet.

The slight frost and recent dry weather allowed me greater freedom of movement. Which was recently denied to me by the usually, soggy soil. Though I never walk on the crops. Always keeping to the tractor tracks and bare earth. There seemed to be more traffic today. Mostly tradesman's vans and large lorries. Only a few cars.

Jack Ma, the wealthy, Chinese businessman behind Alibaba, has sent a huge number of masks, virus test equipment and hazard suits to Denmark. His generosity also extends to many other countries in desperate need of these vital, medical supplies. 

One man, at a stroke, has undone quite a lot of the damage caused by the evil communist Mafia in the name of corruption. While the lifetime, evil dictator, Jinping, fights for his <cough> reputation <cough> and <cough> authority <cough> Jack Ma will help to save real people's lives. 

Jack Ma has personally undone a lot of the "Nero fiddling" amongst the world's totally inadequate and totally unprepared political leaders. They were all terrified to close down their countries, to save countless live, simply because of the cost. They really had no plans to feed and support The People.

i.e. Those daft enough to vote for them in exchange for the burden of taxation and corrupt privilege of a limited few. Democracy is fine until you see what floats to the surface of the turgid pool of blind ambition and back stabbing. There has to be a better way in the future. If only to weed out the worst culprits who are currently working well above their natural ability. 

A cynic might point out that Jack Ma badly needs customers and customer confidence once the pandemic dies down. His altruism is not without its obvious personal benefits. The corrupt Chinese authorities caused this pandemic by inaction and desperately hiding the truth. The virus was something they could not control with their usual ruthless suppression of all dissent and criticism. It will cost the world so dear that it may never recover to former levels of [largely minority] prosperity.

Nothing, except fear of their ruthless authority, props up the communist Mafia. In its untouchable position to rip off their cut in the world's largest protection racket. All protection rackets cause unnecessary poverty. They are a parasitic, non-contributory drain on any economy. They deny businesses the right to flourish by their own efforts and investments in time, risk and money. Worse, they corrupt those whose sole purpose is to protect the people and support their right to competitively priced services and products.

The Big Reset Button has finally been pressed. Climate is on the back burner. Who can lift the dead hand of authority to free the world from their corrupt graft? More of the same just will not do. Wealth and authority must be earned. Not bought in the shadows of the back rooms by crooked ambulance chasers, sleazy politicooze and sociopathic lobbyists. Nor inherited on the backs of slaves. Is it too much to hope that we shall soon see the back of these evil clowns? Those who tightrope walk the news headlines at the very top of the pyramid in exchange for skewed, opinion polls?

When the world settles down to count their completely unnecessary, dead and departed, loved ones, there must be change. We should not have to wait for history to tick off the endless failures to provide comfort and meaning for all of the people. Not just the 1%. [Including Jack Ma.]

We have no need of more emperors, pharaohs, kings, chancellors, dictators, presidents and queens. We need leadership which cannot be corrupted by the mere whiff of power and vanity. The party system divides. It does not join hands to map out the murky future of mankind.

We have no need for those who deliberately set the people against each other to hide the hideous truth. That those in power have no real answers to the world's problems. Though they still insist on taking the money. They continue to pretend they have purpose and meaning as they beat each other about the heads in their sniggering, privileged, debating halls. Before retiring to their palaces to preen. It is all bought by those who have no need of a ballot, nor taxation. They pull all the strings behind the scenes. Leaving the politicooze to petty-fiddle the books for a mention on the latest, mutually-parasitic, news bulletins.  

Isn't it lucky I am not a cynic? 😜


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