One chap was using a backpack sprayer on the moss on his paved yard. The spray drift was clearly visible for yards downwind. As it blew across other people's gardens.
Today's Darwin Award goes to the u.s. president who is likely to have personally cost more lives than any previously. He downplayed the pandemic to the very last moment. Simply because it might reflect on his landslide victory in the coming elections or hurt his investments.
"Make the chump grate" didn't work. So now lots of people will die unnecessarily. As he makes a complete 180° in his <cough> advice <cough> to his brain dead washed electorate. And no, sorry, the grate chump's "fake news flu" will not just go away. But don't expect an apology from the grate chump.
You won't get one from Fat Boris either. The other, self-inflating clown. Who played down the pandemic at the cost of, who knows how many, lost lives. It is calculated that Boris' laid back, original approach might well have cost a quarter of a million completely unnecessary deaths! How many deaths has the chump cost in the US? With his expert-belittling, spittling and rambling idiocy on Infantile Twatter?
You won't get one from Fat Boris either. The other, self-inflating clown. Who played down the pandemic at the cost of, who knows how many, lost lives. It is calculated that Boris' laid back, original approach might well have cost a quarter of a million completely unnecessary deaths! How many deaths has the chump cost in the US? With his expert-belittling, spittling and rambling idiocy on Infantile Twatter?
It's not all bad economic news though. As the markets plunge to new lows: There are queues around the block for weapons [only in the u.s.] to protect themselves from the inevitable hoards of looters. Just think of the chump's other pandemic of the alcoholic homeless and illegal drug abusers. All needing to break quarantine for "essential supplies." Not to mention stealing from the innocent to fund their fixes at inflated prices.
It is said, in today's European news, that "the chump" tried to buy up a German, medical research company. Which has a promising, early, candidate vaccine for the virus. Aspirations of a global monopoly patent? Price gouging? Whatever.
How ironic, that the one person, from which the world would rather distance itself, is on every front page. Still selling his snake oil for all it's worth. Selling himself as the Second Savior. Welcome to the chump's grate new reality show! His every word a constant stream of infantile bullshit. Being lapped up in the world's gratest dumbocracy.
How ironic, that the one person, from which the world would rather distance itself, is on every front page. Still selling his snake oil for all it's worth. Selling himself as the Second Savior. Welcome to the chump's grate new reality show! His every word a constant stream of infantile bullshit. Being lapped up in the world's gratest dumbocracy.
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