walked to the lanes. Traffic today was quite busy rather than light. It remained rather cloudy until mid afternoon when it finally cleared from the NE.
At least 1.25 million people die every year in road crashes. The national lock downs will save far more lives from the absence of traffic related deaths, than will die of coronavirus. Far more people will live far longer without traffic fumes. Than will die from the Jinping Pandemic.
Satellites are already showing steep drops in airborne gases and toxins. The stresses of commuting and traffic noise take an annual toll on humanity as most of the world's children will never know clean air. I'm still waiting for the world's leaders to announce a lock down on traffic. It would certainly make a serious dent in climate changing gasses. Now will do for a sea change...
The Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, is strongly suggesting that the Danes must continue to show the same patience, self-isolation and social distancing as before. Society could then begin to slowly open up in a highly controlled fashion after Easter. If the numbers of infected begin to rise again then the lock down must be extended.
Ms. Frederiksen has remained a pool of calm and quiet authority at the center of an incredibly difficult time for everybody. I am not fond of most career politicians but have great respect for her performance. Hopefully that respect will extend to the talking heads in the opposition. All who are just dying to break the agreed dam of silence and share their usualbullshit wisdom with the rest of us.
All in the desperate hope of a vote for the musical chairs on the lifelong gravy train. By promising their own brand of snake oil is far better than any other's. Yet they are completely unable to provide a single shred of evidence. That their own, very recent and extended time in office, benefited anybody but themselves, foreign property investors and the "offshore" tax free rich.
Homes in the city became impossibly expensive even for doctors. As shell companies bought up anything worth having. Then raised the rents, or forced existing tenants out for a quick cosmetic whitewash. Before hiking the rents even further. The same story right across Europe and the world.
Meanwhile, the elderly and other vulnerable members of society, must continue to protect themselves from infection. Largely by self-isolation, for a much longer period. The danish borders will continue to remain closed. To avoid uncontrolled, reintroduction of the virus from outside. As has tragically occurred in China and probably elsewhere.
It should be absolutely clear that the pandemic is far from over for most Danes. Or the rest of the world for that matter. Let the Taiwanese example of disease control tower above the evil dictator in Sly's Jinping Pandemicland.
Satellites are already showing steep drops in airborne gases and toxins. The stresses of commuting and traffic noise take an annual toll on humanity as most of the world's children will never know clean air. I'm still waiting for the world's leaders to announce a lock down on traffic. It would certainly make a serious dent in climate changing gasses. Now will do for a sea change...
The Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, is strongly suggesting that the Danes must continue to show the same patience, self-isolation and social distancing as before. Society could then begin to slowly open up in a highly controlled fashion after Easter. If the numbers of infected begin to rise again then the lock down must be extended.
Ms. Frederiksen has remained a pool of calm and quiet authority at the center of an incredibly difficult time for everybody. I am not fond of most career politicians but have great respect for her performance. Hopefully that respect will extend to the talking heads in the opposition. All who are just dying to break the agreed dam of silence and share their usual
All in the desperate hope of a vote for the musical chairs on the lifelong gravy train. By promising their own brand of snake oil is far better than any other's. Yet they are completely unable to provide a single shred of evidence. That their own, very recent and extended time in office, benefited anybody but themselves, foreign property investors and the "offshore" tax free rich.
Homes in the city became impossibly expensive even for doctors. As shell companies bought up anything worth having. Then raised the rents, or forced existing tenants out for a quick cosmetic whitewash. Before hiking the rents even further. The same story right across Europe and the world.
Meanwhile, the elderly and other vulnerable members of society, must continue to protect themselves from infection. Largely by self-isolation, for a much longer period. The danish borders will continue to remain closed. To avoid uncontrolled, reintroduction of the virus from outside. As has tragically occurred in China and probably elsewhere.
It should be absolutely clear that the pandemic is far from over for most Danes. Or the rest of the world for that matter. Let the Taiwanese example of disease control tower above the evil dictator in Sly's Jinping Pandemicland.
We are expecting another food parcel tomorrow after an eight day wait with one particular online supermarket. They stocked items which we could not obtain locally. Fortunately the local, online website, "personal shopper" grocery delivery system. Of a major high street chain, Rema1000 via Vigo, has allowed us to remain safely in our rural isolation. If only other supermarkets would provide online access, to their own wares, we need not go out for months. These other stocked favourite items we simply cannot obtain at our other resources.
Those around us continued their lives seemingly as normal. Their cars came and went as normal. The children were more obviously at home, than usual, but that was little different from any other school holiday.
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