There was already a cool wind pushing me along to the village. A Mallard duck and drake were checking out the church pond but were gone on my return. Traffic down to 1/10 of normal. At least it felt a bit safer on the sharp, blind corners.
Today's Jinping Pandemic Darwin Awards go to the morons who decided that everybody laid off in the UK, because of the Jinping virus, had to sign on, all at once, as unemployed.
Not only were there long queues at the <cough> Job Centers <cough> but the telephone capacity was absolutely pathetic. With people complaining of long queues and being dropped off the queuing system after waiting for ages. If this was Denmark everybody could have registered online and stayed safe. But we are talking about Gravely Blighted. The Legendary Land of Hypocrisy.
"What did you do today, Dear?"
"I was practicing my social distancing at a packed Job Center."
"That's nice, Dear. And what did you do after that?"
"Well, by the time I had finished social distancing at the Job Center it was time to stand in the 50 deep queues at Tesco."
"That's nice, Dear. It's good they have things so well organized, isn't it?"
"Cough - cough - cough - cough - cough!"
Who couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery? Who is [supposedly] in charge? Fat Boris? Surely not? That would be rather like putting a complete inadequate, like Dr. Chump, in charge of the whole country. Wouldn't it? Talk about a "Perfect Storm!" 😨
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