8 Mar 2020

7.03.2020 Weekend trials and tribulations.


Saturday 7th 34F, calm with thick mist. Total invisibility beyond 100 yards/meters. Not that it changed driver's behaviour. I had almost give up hope of seeing one, when a single car passed with its rear fog light lit. The bus had vanished completely within 120 yards.

The mist gradually thinned to 200 yards invisibility by the time I returned from my walk to the lanes. It is supposed to be sunny! First brightness at 13:30.It was a teaser and soon replaced by more cloud.

Sunday 8th 42F, uniform grey overcast and windy. With the promise of rain later. Nice! A stiff, easterly wind made life uncomfortable for the would-be bird watcher heading for the marsh pond. Though the rough path beckoned, I took to the 5m wide tractor sprayer "motorway" out on the prairie. It was better surfaced [by wear] than some adopted highways.

The pond was sparsely furnished by a Heron, a Little Grebe, half a dozen b&w, Tufted ducks and two geese. The geese were not fooled by my dull green jacket and hat and went off to find a better place to hang out. Well, float about, doing nothing in particular.

I had a headache and sore throat all day yesterday. I have discovered that sticky Strepsils make very poor hand sanitizers for [Man] Bubonic Plague.

Talking of which: Participants at the huge gathering of US Konservatives, including Herr Chump [!] have been informed that carriers of the non-existent, Democratic-inspired, Chinese bred, Corona virus, were present in their midst.

We must all hope pray that the highly memorable, ringing tones of Ms.Anti-Greta WITCH WTTCI [White Trash for The Climatically Ignorant] made it all worthwhile? I haven't seen any pictures published of Ms.Anti-Greta drooling at the carefully staged arrival of her immigrant Hero. [Ch.Von Chump] there are rumours that Chump wants to take over from Merkel to Make Germany Great Again! Probably starting with a massive rise in armaments expenditure and a stronger, Greater Berlin Wall.

Virus smitten, US, Anti-vaxers [Aka: Anti-Bodies] are already said to be doing the rounds, by invitation, in US public schools. To ensure the kids get a good healthy dose of Covid-19 to harden up their immune systems. They should probably register the name: BOYD. [Bring Out Your Dead.] Before anybody else does. Then start an advertising campaign for "health drinks" containing bleach and snake venom oil. As personally recommended by newly, ultra-wealthy "influencers" on Face[identification]Book and Infant Twatter.


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