24 Nov 2023

24.11.2023 Snow is forecast.


 Friday 24th. 36F/2C. Another grey day with showers and gales. Hovering just above freezing. 65F/18C in the room.

Up at 6.15 after weird dreams and two visits to the fire bucket. I drank nothing after tea at 6pm. Slightly snotty nose again. Wet cough when I try to clear my wet throat. The cars are plastered in larch needles.

 9.30 Morning coffee over. I went for walk along the local drives. To avoid the wet roads and tyre spray as much as possible. The drainage beck is down. The flooding on the field about the same. The cold NW wind had my eyes streaming at first but passed off as I turned downwind. Brief weak sunshine at times.

 There is snow forecast. Which means I have to ensure I have shopped for the basics. The 200m of drive means access may be very limited for a while. Though the e-bike may be able to get out it risks riding on icy roads. Temperatures are not expected to rise above freezing. Which will prolong the snow lying and possibly blocking the drive. I feel too old to clear deep snow manually. As I had to so often in the past. When neighbours showed no interest in snow clearing. Until I had finished and they could safely drive along to reach their beer stocks. Now those neighbours are absent and nobody left around to clear snow.

 Another option is to ride the trike to the shops. It is very stable on ice and snow from my extended experience. The Trykit two wheel drive means it can progress on most surfaces. I rode for miles on snow and ice in the past. One disadvantage is my holding up the traffic. When the road width is reduced by snowplough moraines at the verges. I was always very aware off this and would pull off the road. To let balked traffic pass as soon as possible. 

 I had better check the Trykit is roadworthy. The big yellow bag needs to go back on the rear rack. To hold the vital shopping. There are home delivery services at some supermarkets. I could try those if things get too bad. I could have the shopping dumped at the entrance to the shared drive. Walk along and collect it when I get an SMS notice of delivery. Which is the usual signal to make payment.

 Failing all else I can walk to the shops. 5km each way isn't unmanageable if I take it steadily. Though it wont be much fun being sprayed by salt. From long experience I know the verges will be covered by deep ridges of snow from repeated ploughing. So I'd have to walk through deep puddles on the asphalt. 

 I'll have to look for a suitable rucksack in the charity shops. I have assorted sports bags but they aren't suitable for carrying anything for longer distances. Than from the car park to the gym.

 11.15 Lots of bright sunshine. Returned from the shops in the MM. No rucksacks. 

 An afternoon wasted dozing, napping and browsing.

 Dinner was beans on toast.


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