10 Nov 2023

10.11.2023 Belt up!


 Friday 10th. 43F/6C. Heavily overcast again. A wet start clearing slowly. A restless night filling the fire bucket repeatedly. No idea why. I'd only had the usual, small glass of milk. Got up at 6.15 and stayed up.

 8.00 63F/17C in the room. Comfortable enough in bed but not when I am sitting at the computer. Still struggling with the damned kindling! Only on the third lighter block did it finally get going. I brought in some of the new kindling but it doesn't seem to be any more flammable. 

 The laundry was only pretending to dry in the greenhouse. So I brought it into the room to avoid [further] public nudity. No doubt the moisture will condense on the cold walls and I shall have free mushrooms.

 I am having new, recoil seatbelts fitted to the Morris Minor this morning. The originals are hopeless. The replacement belts were voluntarily agreed in the asking price for the car. Obtaining them was the difficulty.

 11.15 46F/8C. Just got back from the MM workshop. It has risen to 19C/66F in the room. Still overcast but dry weather. Fortunately my MM had the original, seatbelt anchor points. Unlike much earlier models. So it was [just] a matter of fitting the new, [Securon] recoil belts to the same fixing points.

 I could have done the job myself, in hindsight, but his experience made the job easier. Besides I wasn't paying for the work. So I wandered around admiring the many years of photographs and Morris Minor memorabilia. Which he had attached to the walls and ceiling. There were large placards. With pictures of the annual MM meetings. With group pictures of the cars, owners and signatures of all those present. 

 14.00 Heavy overcast and increasingly breezy. Lunch over. I ought to shop. Nothing desperate. Just ensuring a choice of dinner. The showers on the DMI radar suggest a cycle ride would quickly become rather wet. The flooding on the back field is so slight as to be hardly worth a mention. While the flat field beside the main drive has large areas of shallow water. With the drive heavily puddled from end to end. 

 Never mind, it gave me an excuse to drag myself out to check on water levels. Otherwise my morning walks would have dried up completely. The trees in my back garden are now so bereft of leaves that I can see the ground beneath them. Still grass. No water.

 16.15 I have been shopping in the MM in light rain. I could get away with toast tonight but I bought sausages. So it's chips or potatoes. Eeny, meeny, miny, mo..


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