26 Sept 2023

26.09.2023 Possible new neighbour?


 Tuesday 26th. Banded high cloud. Up at 6am.  I woke twice in the night at 2am and 4am. The first time lying beside my duvet in perfect comfort. Though I pulled it back over on my return to bed. The "new" stove is proving itself a good investment. A single piece of firewood can warm the room. Then keep it warm with the soapstone cladding. 

 7.15 Tuesday cooking class today. The weather is proving record warm for September. Dry with light winds and more sunshine than previous months. Ideal conditions for riding to the distant school kitchen. Through the most beautiful, undulating countryside you could wish for. 

 Mostly by travelling along all but empty, winding lanes. Passing through copses, woods and rural villages and cresting several high points. With views out across the gorgeous countryside to distant hills. The never ending seasons providing a different experience on every ride.

 I allow myself an hour to get there. At a comfortable average of 26km/hr in Sport mode. There are numerous, possible variations of routes but I have settled on the prettiest and most interesting. Imagine having to listen to a screaming scooter engine. Instead of the gentle whine of the Bosch motor and transmission. The sound is usually completely masked by the roar of the wind in my hearing aids. Usually when I forget to turn down the volume before leaving! Under normal circumstances the bike's added sounds are completely innocuous. While providing the vital assistance. To allow me to travel at a race fit, young cyclist's speeds without loss of breath. While completely eclipsing them on climbs. 

 7.30. Time for a walk to see how the earthworks are progressing. I could hear the excavator working all yesterday afternoon. Though I would need to go down to the northern boundary. Then peer out under the overhanging trees to see anything at all. I had a good walk up and down the whole area this morning. Trying to judge the drainage slopes and low points by eye from as many vantage points as possible. 

 I took lots of photos. My conclusion is that the entire sloping field will drain down to the existing natural pond. Which is slightly lower than my boundary. The winter rains will confirm this. One way or another.

9.00 I left to ride to the cooking class. Where my partner and I made vegetable pickles in jars. The image shows the results of other team's labours. The pink, pickled beetroot was delicious!

15.00 I detoured on the way home to shop in another village with different outlets.

 16.00. An estate agent called to enquire about the house for sale next door. There was some doubt about ownership of the outhouses. The boundary maps show they didn't belong to the house which was using them. She wanted to ask if I knew anything about it. Which I did of course. I even printed out the boundary maps for them and took it around to confirm. The young chap being shown the house glared at me and ignored my polite and friendly greeting. Not a good sign!

 It looks as if the earthworks and landscaping are all but finished apart from the details. Planting, lighting  etc. I have to admit it looks great. Beautifully executed! A tractor was pulling rollers up and down this afternoon. Compacting the earthworks and drive while the ground is still dry and manageable. 

  The area behind the "dam" now forms a large bowl. With the hill rising to the east. A wider view, looking south east. From the raised, new drive.

 I presume the drive itself will eventually be surfaced. With something more practical than the present, soft and dusty gravel. Which is presumably temporary and to protect vehicles and the road from the mud in wet conditions. With the rest eventually to be grassed. Possibly even some trees or hedges? If only to screen "scrap man's" hideous assaults on the senses!

 22.00 I haven't lit the stove tonight as it is 20C/68F downstairs. No  need for dinner after eating at the class. I settled for coffee and biscuits as I watched TV.


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