31 Oct 2021

31.10.2021 The "filth" parading as "our leaders" at COP-out 2.7C.


Sunday 31st 51F, dark overcast and breezy. The clocks went back. So it ought to be an hour lighter. It's not. So where do I queue for my refund? 

A walk to the lanes in quiet Sunday traffic. Still borderline cool in a breeze. Not quite gloves and winter jacket weather as temperatures remain mild.

"The filth" used to be a derogatory term used for the police force in Gravely Blighted by the criminal element. Suggesting, perhaps that "dirty behaviour" was the norm.

I think the term would be better suited to those uniquely deluded sociopaths. To whom we loosely apply the term <cough> "our leaders." Particularly where climate change is concerned. You know, the same ones who still subsidize diesel and coal soot to the tune of billions of taxpayer's money. This, despite the decades of well known, negative effects on health and climate.

We all suffer from that special form of democratic, absolute dictatorship. Where, once elected, the majority party leader instantly becomes all-powerful. Quickly surrounding themselves in highly paid, unelected, brown noser, "personal advisors." 

So that The Great Leader becomes ever more isolated from reality and responsibility. One might have thought other elected party members might have something to offer, but no. They were elected on empty party promises, after all. So what can they possibly add to the sum of falsehoods being manufactured at the top?

Any [completely false] assumption that a party's empty, election promises have any real meaning, has long been totally disproved. You choose "a face" based almost entirely on hereditary class memory and little more. Many don't even bother to vote. So they may well get the leaders they deserve. Though one can well understand their increasing reluctance to elect these clowns and tyrants.

Our social control and guidance systems are utterly fucked screwed. Nothing tried, so far, from tribal chiefs to royalty to communism to fascism, has ever worked in the interests of all. Scandinavian, social democracy worked for a while. Then personality, inequality, corruption, open immigration and greed took over. Erasing all memory of the benign social systems which went before. 

These northern nations still lead the globe, by miles, in every standard which matters. Though ironically it is still oil [and coal] which support the remaining, social fabric. It's just a shame that only the offshore, foreign money launderers can afford property in the cities. Leading to impossible commuter loads on the inadequate transport systems. As front line workers must travel into the cities from more affordable regions. A more unfair and skewed system of organizing a nation's  housing and living conditions would be impossible to imagine. The pollution, noise, wastage, stress and CO2 loads beggar belief.


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