30 Oct 2021

30.10.2021 Sucker-burger's [brain] dead.advertising.con.


Saturday 30th 48F, heavy overcast with a pink blush in the east. Rain is promised.

A walk to the village with the low sun moving in and and out of the clouds. A slightly chill wind at times but hardly a hint of the winter to come. Saw and heard several pheasants. Geese high overhead. Crows being crows.

You thought the Jinping Plague was bad news? I believe I have discovered the real reason for dead.ADVERTISING.con's name change from facebook.ADVERTISING.con: 

Once immersed in tax-free, BIG-TICK.ADVERTISING's AR or VR it is impossible to turn off the adverts. Sucker-burger's AI will overcome every attempt by puny humans to avoid His advertising.

Sucker-burger stole the idea from youtube.ADVERTISING.con. Where even a back click won't silence a screaming fit advert targeted at retarded infants. And, where the sound level has been turned up by ten points. To absolutely ensure His global PTSD victims' rapt attention. 

They used to call this "aversion therapy." Where the victim would be repeatedly shocked when negative images were shown to them.

No doubt Sucker-burger has been researching Guantanamo torture techniques for tips. He obviously can't waterboard dead.ADVERTING.con's victims into making purchases. So he has to find other ways to damage them into buying the Chinese re-labelled tat his ads offer. 

Can you even imagine being immersed in Sucker-burger's endless nightmare of DV? [Dead [uni]Verse for the creeping, brain dead victims of His advertising]  Is there a word for a global, big-tick dictator? Tyrant? Genocidal maniac? Serial, predatory sociopath? These terms seem so inadequate for describing his countless, tax-free crimes against humanity. It is no wonder he suffers from delusions of grandeur!


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