3 Oct 2021

3.10.2021 YouTube completely unwatchable due to advertising.


Sunday 3rd 58F, mild, but gales and rain! For most of the day. It remained dry for my walk to the lanes. The wind was very strong in places but the mild 60F made it seem harmless. 

I saw a white, cream and buff bird of prey take off from quite near the roadside. It made a sharp turn behind a copse and was gone from view. The crows and gulls seemed rather unsettled. From vertical take off they would instantly accelerate to 30mph downwind. Struggle to exceed a walking pace into the wind. I haven't seen a swallow for several days now. Chaffinches are congregating in large flocks. While a female kestrel was hovering over the road. Seemingly oblivious to the traffic.


Has anyone checked the sanity of the raving fuckwit[s] who have made YouTube unwatchable? Always TWO adverts before being allowed to see a creator's video. Before you know even whether you want to see the video. Several adverts breaks during every single video? Hands up the fuckwit which decided that was a bold, commercial move?

May one hope that the lower achieving psychopath[s] who passed this idiocy dies screaming after years of terrifying agony? Or would that be as inhuman as google.youtube.advertising.con's <cough> management clearly are? 

One might have hoped that the advertising would have improved since the "educationally challenged" potato stamped ads of commercial TV, but no. 

All of YouTube advertising seems to be aimed solely and uniquely at the "educationally challenged." Embarrassingly so, for those of us who are not "educationally challenged." Or whatever this week's PC term is for the deliberately, walking retarded. Aka: google.youtube.advertising.con's clueless, obscenely overpaid executives and its obscenely compliant, deep, brown-noser, staff.


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