26 Oct 2021

26.10.2021 Is Climate Change a Crime Against Humanity?


Tuesday 26th 49-52F, very, very dark. Dull start, with rain, is supposed to brighten to sunny periods. 

8.00 Overcast and becoming breezy. Time for a walk. It was cool again as the sun struggled to break through the pretty clouds. 

Published plans to cut CO2 will result in a near 3C increase in global warming. I think it safe to say we must kiss our collective arses goodbye. 

I am beginning to see a pattern. No Carbon Tax. No taxation on the ultra rich. No taxation on the corrupt and filthy rich, tech companies. A whole, separate [Offshore] economy. Which launders trillions in dirty money per year. Aided and abetted by corrupt banks they make cities around the globe too expensive for any but their own tax-free kind. Leading to global commuting from cheaper properties. Which are spreading like a cancer around a nucleus in many countries.   

Trillions in taxpayer's money is being paid globally to subsidize oil, gas, coal and the manufacture of internal combustion vehicles. None of the legacy car makers are serious about EVs. Making endless attacks on Tesla. As the ICE dinosaurs desperately try to undermine the global tsunami of interest in Tesla cars. Nobody wants "just another EV" from these crooks. They only want a Tesla. Now decades ahead on almost every front as the ICE dinosaurs fight dirty at every turn. Self driving "autonomous" vehicle are already ten times safer than human drivers. While the Tesla software is still in its infancy.

The cost of "unnatural" weather is already costing trillions. Droughts, floods and hurricanes make daily headlines. No month passes without a weather record being broken somewhere. 99% of the world's population breathes air which exceeds WHO pollution standards. Coal fired plants are undermining the health of billions. Literally millions die, every single year, directly from air pollution. Which is now blamed for a wide range of increasingly common, health problems. Including heart attacks, strokes and dementia. Add in the burden of consuming billions of tons of long lived, plastic waste particles now found from pole to pole. Even in the deepest ocean trenches and thousands of miles from what we loosely call civilization.

Advertising pollutes our every waking moment. There is no escape from still and moving images pushing dangerous, short-lived tat. Much of it mass produced by slave labour in Asia. Then sold on with different labels. As if only the label held any intrinsic value. 

As Chinese billionaires constantly increase their fortunes the cost of manufacture increases. Where will our economic tyrants build their labeling factories next? Africa? South America? Where is the next pool of abject poverty which can be abused for a tax-free profit? Where the rules to protect workers from danger, pollution and exploitation even laxer than China's? If Apple coated its products with furs, instead of human sweat, flesh and blood, there would be an outcry. Fluffy animals are sacred. "Foreign" workers are dehumanized trash.

Never mind "The 1%." Our planet is clearly being run purely for the 0.1%. Are they really, evil aliens? Trying to terraform Earth to their own comfort standards? Or just more genocidal sociopaths imitating human beings for private profit? Your typical dictators, investment bankers, tech company [mafia] bosses and royalty.

Climate crimes against humanity? Racism against African, Asian and South American populations? Was Jinping Plague deliberately released to thin out those countries least likely to afford a vaccine? Are they trying to cut down on the need for Social Security and Health Care. Or, more importantly, climate compensation for crimes targeted precisely at highly vulnerable, impoverished populations? 

Is the coming AI/Robotics revolution a threat against the 0.1%? That they might have to pay pensions to those laid off from their mega, sweat shops? Or are they already planning vast, concentration camps? To contain the billions of low skilled, ex-workers once they have no further value?



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