Despite repeated warnings from their own experts the UK government chose repeatedly not to stockpile PPE in case of a pandemic. Personal Protection Equipment involves simple items like gowns, gloves, visors, swabs and masks.
Mere back pocket change when it comes to buying a few more weapons "just in case they are needed." But then there are no free foreign holidays, rounds of golf, posh meals and 5 star hotel stays for the politicooze responsible for buying humble medical clothing.
But hey! Let's have a minute's silence for all the incredibly brave, front line, medical staff who died completely unnecessarily because the UK government chose not to value their lives when it REALLY MATTERED!
The UK politicooze had a decade to get its act in gear. There were several epidemics and potential pandemics during this period.
From now on, do remember this small detail whenever you hear a bullshitting politicooze praise the NHS. It is just more of their hypocritical bullshit!
There are still not enough gowns. So they are being washed for reuse. With all the extra risks that entails.
The UK politicooze mouthpiece say they have it all in hand. I'd call it a backhander across the face of every NHS worker. But never mind. The families of every doctor who died completely unnecessarily at the hands of the uncaring politicooze are being bribed with £60,000 to shut them up. So that's alright then. Do they have to sign a no fault, no claim for compensation clause? Or forego the taxpayer's generous gift?
Let's hear it for the brave clown who fought on the front line against his own vacuous hypocrisy.
I wonder if those who looked after him were specially equipped for treating His Entitlement?
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