24 Apr 2020

24.04.2020 Day 43. Do not ingest Wacko Chumpo's Jinping cure!


Friday 24th 42-57F, bright sunshine from blue skies. Cloud promised for later this morning. And duly arrived before its expected ETA. Still pleasant at 57F. More hedge clipping.

I went for an afternoon walk because I missed my usual, early, brisk stroll. Whereupon I was treated to five minutes of a bird of prey looking for dinner over a roadside field. If I could identify it I'd tell you but it defies my humble skills at bird watching. Long and very slender wings and a mess of colours. Certainly not a Red kite. Nor any of the other common birds of prey I see so regularly. I am tentively going with Marsh harrier as the nearest likely bird. Perhaps a juvenile?

It was slightly odd to be sitting on a big rock  beside the road. While I watched this bird swoop repeatedly, low over the crops. As it covered the entire prairie under my watchful gaze through my binoculars. Finally it approached the road just as an idiot with a sporty exhaust on his identikit-Euro-box revved his engine right behind me. The bird spotted me on my rock and wheeled away into the distance. The light is completely different in the afternoon.

I can't close without adding Wacko Chumpo's latest idiocy. Now he suggests they inject disinfectant into people to end the Jinping Pandemic. All the major disinfectant manufacturers are now having to put out warning notices against ingesting such drooling idiocy. Remember the "willfully educationally challenged" Chumpo voter who killed himself [and nearly his wife] by ingesting aquarium cleaner? Why? Because Wacko Chumpo suggested it. 


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