10 Aug 2024

10.08.2024 It's all about the [poor] timing!


  Saturday 10th 63F/17C. Sunshine and gales. 

 Up at 5.30 after an unusually quiet night.

 8.45 Back from my deliberately brisk walk to the lanes.  The farmer was raking a roadside field. Thereby providing breakfast for the gulls. Nothing else to report. I suppose just making it back alive is a plus.

 I have a secondhand, garden party invitation for this afternoon. To which I shall attend as chauffeur and chaperone to the good lady in the village. Dress code is casual. So shorts and a t-shirt might well have done. Particularly in informal, rural Denmark. However, the forecast has changed from wet and gales to sunshine and gales. So I may have to make some adjustments. The Sou'wester can go back on its hook.

 Now I am torn between a cycling balaclava and a headband. The latter providing a tempting opportunity for conveying some important, political message. A sensitive subject in these difficult times. If only to avoid embarrassing my kind hosts. Who knows whether they feel strongly about inadvertent cruelty to goldfish? By those with insufficient means to offer adequate accommodation. One would hate to start a storm in a goldfish bowl. It could spoil the whole afternoon! 

 Or not. I am suddenly feeling dizzy and nauseous after a short nap. My vision is spinning. I wonder if it was the kippers being under-cooked after all? Covid? Agricultural spraying on the roadside field? Two days of brown tapwater? Any combination of the above? Who knows?

 16.00 70F/21C. Sunny and windy. I have woken from a couple of hours of sleep. The dizziness and rotating vision has gone but I still feel sick. With a mild headache. No lunch, but I'll see if a cup of tea helps. 

 I decided to wash up in case it helped to take my mind off my nausea. Moving my eyes to the side still made me dizzy.

 17.30 Still feeling rough but hungry now. Another cup of tea? Toasted marmalade roll? Yes please. 

 There was no dinner that night.



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