23 Aug 2024

23.08.24 Gone with the wind.


  Friday 23rd 61F/16C [19.00] Heavy overcast and very windy. With rain forecast for early and late. Storm force SW winds this evening. Not a good direction due to a lack of tree protection and a bad day for a ride.

 Up at 6am after a disturbed night. I deliberately avoided coffee after dinner but still topped up the fire bucket. At intervals throughout the night. More weird dreams.

 One of the lighting cable connectors to the fish tank was dangerously overheating. I used my Topdon, infrared camera to show 43C. I have emailed the dealer for advice.

 8.15. 63F/17C:  Still overcast and very windy. Time for my morning walk.

 It was a slightly strange morning walk of coincidences.  Light rain never amounted to anything. Long minutes passed between vehicles. Then a huge forestry extraction vehicle went past. I was trying to think of an apt description for the massive, balloon tires with tractor treads. When the very next thing to pass was a low bed pickup loaded with fat tractor tires. 

 A tractor went past carrying a large excavator on a low trailer. One of several seen today. Probably a field drainage opportunity straight after the harvest. Only to return minutes later going the opposite way.  Obviously lost because it took a side turning in the lane. There immediately followed a lorry loaded with field drainage pipes. Which ignored the side turning and never came back. A very smart, white Audi raced past in the lane. Trailing great clouds of white smoke and a very strange smell. Had it been filled with diesel? No coolant? Running on steam?

 Two of the local, brown birds of prey scattered in opposite directions. At the first sight of my arrival. One struggled into the gale. Making very little headway as it dived and turned. The other was traveling more with the wind and gained hundred of yards in mere seconds. Two crows watched from the top of a local hill. More of a mound really. They were standing side by side in a slightly comical manner. As if discussing the events below.

 13.00 It has started to rain. A wet afternoon is promised as the wind builds to several hours of 20m/s [45mph] gales. Mostly from the west now. Which is behind the shelter belt of trees. Tomorrow night promises 25m/s [56mph] gusts from the SW.

Another day wasted on the computer. Dinner was mackerel on toast with tomatoes.



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