27 Aug 2024

27.08.2024 Maiden voyage.


  Tuesday 27th 55F/13C. Bright with wall to wall sunshine is promised. Reaching 20C/68F later.

 Up at 6am after a rather quiet night. I have a dental appointment at 11.00. I can do some shopping while I am in that village. It's a nice day so I can ride there. A reasonable headwind coming home.

 Cooking classes restart on Thursday after a long summer break. These overlap with my Thursday physio sessions but are only every other week. I could do the physio class and then drive to the cooking class when I am finished at 10am. Unfortunately both classes are in opposite directions from home.

 The journey from one class to the other is 35km. Almost a straight line on mostly 50kph roads. So would take half an hour according to Google Earth. I would be arriving half an hour late. Which is usually spent sitting around a table and chatting. The actual cooking starting later.  It is quite commonplace for cooking class members to turn up at odd times. 

 7.45 Time for a walk.

 8.45 62F/17C. Back again in warm sunshine. I foolishly wore a jumper. It was soon removed and tied around my waist. I detoured slightly to add a gentle climb to my efforts. Dripping with sweat. Traffic busy. Nothing else to report. Just another day at the office. The poor little woodpecker was stone dead so I buried it.

 12.00 70F/21C. Returned from a first trial of my new dental plate. Some minor trimming required for an even bite. Did a bit of shopping and returned home. I had gone in the car as it cut it would cut it too fine riding there.

13.00 72F/22C. I just had my maiden voyage to the recycling yard. I completely forgot that the trailer tipped. It would have aided emptying it. Shopped before returning home for lunch. A warm and sunny, but breezy day. I forgot to buy more porridge for breakfast. So I'll ride back to the other village this afternoon.

 I rode to the next village up the road. Nobody else sells the organic porridge I like. I detoured back via the rural lanes to make it into a 25km ride. Windy but a pleasantly warm and sunny, summer's day. I had the roads almost to myself.

 On my return the lady from the village was collecting wild plumbs in the drive. For her wine making. Our paths had crossed in the village and I had warned her the plumbs were already falling. Attracting lots of butterflies. She stayed chatting until nearly six.

 I bought some organic  broccoli. So will have some of that with fish fingers for dinner. 


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