28 Aug 2024

28.08.2024 62km.


  Wednesday 28th 57F/14C. Another warm, sunny day is promised. Possibly reaching 24C/75F.

 Up at 6am after a fairly uninterrupted night.

 The plan is for a ride. Taking in a visit to my English friend.    

 7.45 I have been playing with saddles. Trying to replace the Brooks B67 with the Contec. The threads on the spring fixing bolts aren't the same size. So a straight swap for the leather tops is impossible.  

  13.40 Returning from a 62km ride. Many drivers completely ignore the speed reduction at village boundaries. Many were traveling far too fast for the national speed limit. Let alone the village speed limits. A hump at village entrances is the only democratic limiter on their sociopathic behaviour. However, one hump on a local village entrance had to be removed. Too many vehicles were hitting it at high speed with their sumps!

 I had intended to visit Ringe but never made it. There was no time to complete the journey and return to my friend's place as agreed. Riding on the main roads was terrifying! Nobody was keeping to the speed limit. Many drivers overtook me far too closely against oncoming traffic. The oncoming drivers did not have the intelligence to give more room on seeing a cycle. Just sitting in the middle of their lane like cruise missiles. The verges were often easily wide and flat enough to have provided a wide cycle lane. But this is only "cycling friendly" Denmark. Not the Netherlands.

 I actually took to the verge as one giant, shit recycling tanker came roaring up behind me. The 1.5m distance rule is just a fantasy. On the return journey I had the rural lanes almost to myself. The traffic was almost non-existent. Having the wind mostly behind me. Made riding on a warm, sunny day a real pleasure. I stopped at intervals to adjust seat height and tilt. The constant battle with saddle soreness. Despite the Assos chamois cream and wearing padded, bib shorts.

 I was feeling dizzy earlier but it went off. Today's temperature peaked at 76F/24C on my home thermometer. It is supposed to be warmer again tomorrow 27C/82F before the warm weather breaks. Back to the cooking class tomorrow too. The winds are light again. So I could go on my bike. There is a break for the physio classes. They are bodily moving up the road.

 Dinner was uncooked sardines on toast.



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