1 Aug 2024

1st August 2024 Chrispy!


  Thursday 1st 51F/11C [7.00] Bright. Anther warm sunny day is promised.

 Up at 6.15 after another bad night. I was using the fire bucket at quarter to half hour intervals. I blame the cup of black tea I had instead of milky coffee at 8pm. Nothing else changed.

 I ought to have a ride today, but where? My first physical rehab [physical retraining] meeting is in town tomorrow. I'm going on my bike.

 7.20 Time for a walk.

 8.15 58F/14C. And back again. The drainage excavators had gone. Leaving only a dark, semicircular scar on the field. There were three, dark brown, birds of prey out on the third field away from the lane. One rose and floated effortless away as I lifted my binoculars. The traffic was light today. I was too warm in my light jacket as I plodded back home.  

 15.15 Returned from a ride to another shopping village. 21km. I had run out of printer ink. So I did some shopping while I was there. I am having problems with the dropper post lever. The cable is slipping and won't drop the saddle! Which explains my fall last time I rode to the city. My left hip still hurts when I lie down. I tried tightening the tiny cable clamp screw but it ignored my efforts.

 Dinner was [nearly] toast. The heart lettuce [shockingly] was still crisp. So I went with salad.





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