20 Aug 2024

20.08.24 Gone, but not forgotten.


 Tuesday 20th 53F/12C. Bright overcast. More sunshine later.

 Up at 6 after previous failures to achieve lift off.

 Not sure what to do today. A walk would be sensible.

 8.30 64F. Mostly bright overcast. And back again. I reached the lanes and detoured along the shared drives. The neighbours have been earth moving and I was curious to see the changes. It is amazing how quickly crops germinate. Two days from seed drilling there is a green sward on the fields. Otherwise nothing of note to report. I was slightly breathless on the gentle climbs. 

 9.30 Darker and getting quite breezy from the south.

 My old car is due to be tested but I have finally decided to scrap it. For which I shall receive the princely sum of 4000kr [£460 equivalent.] If, I deliver it to the scrapyard about 10 miles away. Only half of that if I have it collected. I was thinking of getting rid of the trailer as well. It is too heavy to tow with the Morris Minor. 

 If I take my e-bike in the trailer I can ride home. The trailer is in increasingly poor condition so it owes me nothing after all these, 21 years. I have had the old car for thirteen years. It is from the mid 90's. Recently  it has only been used for trips to the recycling yard with the trailer. It will be a bit of a wrench for the car to go. My late wife and I traveled everywhere in it. So it is full of memories. The parking space will seem much bigger now.

 11.15 The car is now completely empty and thoroughly checked. The e-bike is loaded in the trailer. Assorted vital papers are collected to take with me. I am just waiting on the postman to deliver a parcel. I have to be at home to accept it.

 14.15 The parcel arrived and the fish have more plants to chew. I am going to get rid of the car and trailer. I hope I haven't forgotten anything! 

 The car and trailer are no longer mine. It was an 18km ride home with shopping by detour. Windy! I passed a herd of about 50 young bison. Not on the road. They were in a field. A hidden cycle path was covered in fallen plums. A dark cloud of butterflies rose as I rode through.

 Dinner was fish fingers and chips. Picture to follow if the technology allows.

 At 10pm I found myself battling through yet another mound of washing up. It was in a good cause.




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