5 Aug 2024

5.08.2024 Sunny. 19km.


  Monday 5th 53F/12C [06.30]. Bright overcast?

 Up at 5.45 after another weird night. Strange dreams and lying awake.

 My lower back needs a walk. Perhaps a ride later.

 8.15 Back from a brisk walk to the lanes. The harvest is highly variable from field to field. Large fields are still untouched. Others have been harvested, baled, mucked, raked and resewn. The traffic was light. Warm sunshine. My shorts helped me to stay cool.  

 13.00 72F/22C. I have returned from a 19km ride. I was going to the village shops but decided to detour. Beautiful countryside along the rural lanes. I found a route I hadn't ridden for years. It was on the trike last time. With some sharp bends to test my nerve. Huge lorries came and went from a sprawling bio-gas site.

 A perfect day for a ride. Warm, but not hot and a pleasant breeze. The dropper post behaved itself. The Brooks B67 saddle wasn't too uncomfortable.

 I spent the afternoon doing laundry and dozing over YouTube. Oh, and cleaned as much of the brown algae from the fish tank. As I could easily reach. I still haven't emptied the little tank.

Dinner was chicken, mushrooms and two fried eggs. Followed by a bread roll with vegetable based spread instead of butter. I get conflicting medical advice from YouTube. On which is the least dangerous or the most beneficial.



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