26 Aug 2024

26.08.2024 New glasses.


  Monday 26th 57F/14C.  Light overcast and windy. Rain this evening.

 Up at 6.30 after a reasonable night. No coffee after dinner must have helped.

 The Great spotted woodpecker is huddled in the middle of the parking space this morning. How a cat hasn't found it yet is anybody's guess. Will a cat get avian flu if it chews the bird? I tried putting the sick bird up on the shed's flat roof yesterday for safety. It immediately tried to fly and crash landed badly on the lawn. Am I supposed to just leave it on the ground? Perhaps a cat would kill it quickly. Put it out of its obvious misery.

 Physio class today. Followed by my eye test an hour later. I had better take a change of clothing. I get hot doing exercises indoors. Normally I would drive or cycle home straight afterwards but couldn't get a sight test straight after. So I have an hour to kill in sweaty clothing.

 The physio class proved I have very poor balance. I also get very hot doing exercises indoors. I had three quarters of an hour to kill afterwards. So I wandered around a charity shop.

 The opticians proved I have astigmatism and very poor accommodation. I have ordered a pair of glasses for use on the computer. I read so little that I can use my various magnifying glasses. In conjunction with my new glasses. My first pair of "real" glasses in well over 30 years.

 12.45  The woodpecker was doing uncontrolled cartwheels on the parking pace when I returned home. Then it poured with rain and the bird was lying still when I last checked. I shall bury it tomorrow if it is still there.

 Dinner was Rema baked beans on toast. Still tasteless with extra pepper and salt.



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