22 Aug 2024

22.08.2024 Torture recyling basket retired!


  Thursday 22nd 58F/14C. [6.45] Heavy overcast with rain and wind forecast. 

 Up at 6am after lying awake for hours in the night.    

 6.45 Went out to give the wet Morris a wipe down. There was light rain in the air so I wore a jacket.

 After having the house stinking of rotting food all summer.  I finally invested in a "proper" waste food recycling container. 

 One without all the idiot holes in the hinged lid and without a ridiculously rounded bottom. So that the container no longer tips backwards every single time the lid is lifted. Or, more accurately, an attempt is made for the perforated lid to be lifted. 

 This. privately funded, replacement container is slightly smaller than the "official" torture basket. Though far more attractive in every way imaginable. The bag merely has to be lifted out and tied. The "1984 brigade" at the recycling centre will never know how I have upgraded. So there will be no token strikes and refusal to empty my recycling bins. Which I have to drag 100m uphill when full and heavy. Despite my being an old fart with heart problems.

 I wonder how many drooling idiots there were in the entire supply chain. Between a Chinese factory owner's nepotism. In using a cruelly retarded but still entitled, first born as "head designer."  Which [whom?] never once in their entire disastrous "career" ever tried to lift the lid of their perforated abominations. 

 You know, the spoilt brat, with the fleet of Ferraries, Porsches and gold plated Lambos. Who slapped down every questioner regarding the atrociously bad design. Or probably beat them up in the basement. Before firing them. To live a life of misery begging on the flooded streets of some hideous Chinese metropolis. With their own wife and offspring in tow. Until they died of hunger and disease. Nevertheless, the infamous design was soon passed by the local communist mafia. "In order to undermine Western Democracy at home. Where it hurts the most!"

 Then there are those responsible for ordering millions of the damned things! Just to torment the Danish, rate paying ratepayers! As only they know how. From long practice. Talk about working far above their pay grade! 

 By the way, the vintage, pine cupboard I bought last summer. Has served admirably as the kitchen housing for my recycling containers. I can effortlessly open the doors. Then drop paper, plastic, or whatever, into the appropriate containers. With all the skill of a well-rehearsed, recycling robot. 🤖 

 The cupboard top supports my mini-oven, grease-proof paper, bread rolls and fruit. So it has been well worth the very modest investment at a flea market. The e-bike's Ortlieb pannier bags slide nicely into the slot against the wall.

 12.00 Returned from retraining. Where the first half was exercise cycling again. I think we did eight intervals. Simulated climbs, by upping the resistance. Followed by flat out sprints for the top. Then it was 3 or 4 x 15 repetitions on various exercise machines. Finally we had to climb the stairs to the third floor as many times as possible in five minutes. I managed only five climbs and was breathless!

 On the way home I detoured to collect my shiny new, smaller trailer for the Morris Minor. A Brenderup 1150S. I am very pleased with the finish and all the improved details. Compared with my 21-year-old trailer by the same maker. Recently scrapped along with my 1990s car.

 With the new trailer I opted for the high net sides. For lightweight but high volume loads, like garden waste. With a high tarpaulin to keep things dry. The whole lot lifts off to reveal a small, conventional, low-sided trailer with its own tarpaulin. 

 The high sided tarpaulin blocks my mirror view to the rear. Though I do have outside mirrors. The tarpaulin need not remain in place unless needed. So a normal rear view in the inside mirror will then be available. This will also allow the headwind to blow through the mesh for lower fuel consumption on longer journeys.

 The trailer fits well within the width of the Morris. So I need not worry in the typically narrow lanes against oncoming traffic. If the car goes through a gap then so will the trailer. With plenty of room to spare. 

 The trailer body tips backwards and the tow bar folds under. So it can be made very compact indeed for storage. Even smaller with the net sides lifted off. Allowing the four sections to be leaned against a wall. Or even stored flat. The whole trailer can then be tipped up on end. All very clever and really well thought out. I like the new spring latches too. 

 I left the trailer locked and at home for a drive into the village. Prescription refills and food needed. I bought a cheap pair of cargo trousers having run out of anything wearable in public. 

 Dinner was fried chicken and mushrooms. With organic Fettuccine pasta and organic tinned tomatoes.



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