4 May 2022

4.05.2022 Will it/won't it go?


 Wednesday 4th 41F. Bright. Up at 5.45. My back hurts. Hardly surprising considering the load I put on it yesterday. The kitchen worktop is horrendously heavy. 3.63m x 63cm x 28mm. I hope to prove it will go into the kitchen using a plank of the same length as a pattern. 

 Though it will not be quite the same because it has none of the breadth of the real thing. Which means tilting it will not increase its length so much. First I'll have to push it out of the window above the kitchen sink. Then turn it to see if it will slide into the front hall. If that can't be done it will have to go back outside. Then enter the house via the end, lounge window. Then curve through the front hall into the kitchen. It's really a three [young] man job but there is only me. 👴

 Well, the plank idea worked out well. I pushed it a metre/yard out of the window. Then it could be rotated in plan. To bring the tail end into the front hall. Now add the weight of the real worktop! I'll have to completely clear the kitchen and protect the various surfaces on which the huge board will rest temporarily. I don't want any broken tiles. Nor cosmetic damage to the board itself. 

 How badly do I want that extra length? I just found an online chipboard calculator. The worktop probably weighs 50kg. It feels more like twice that! It will have to be lifted on edge. To above the height of the existing worktop. Just to go out of the window. 

 Then the tail end has to be supported at the same height as the whole thing is turned bodily. While still on edge. Perhaps I can use something to support the tail end? B&D workbench? That would help me to relieve some of the weight. No, it is much too low.

 9.15. 54F. Instead of trying to lift the board myself I filled a trailer to the brim. Ready for another trip to the recycling yard. I also moved another load of rotten logs down to the bottom of the garden as a wildlife habitat. I am now enjoying morning coffee and a toasted, wholemeal roll with marmalade.

 Later, I delivered another mixed trailer load to the recycling yard.

 When something needs doing, sometimes you just have to go ahead and do it. So I lifted the kitchen end of the big board onto a piece of 4x4 on the back of the existing working surface. Then dragged the lower end along the hall carpet. Once balanced on the 4x4, with half of its length out of the window, I rotated it until it would slide into the front hallway. 

 I had covered the original working surface with thick layers of newspaper and plywood. It all went to plan. I could then lower the board onto its front edge on protective packing on the floor. Before sliding its full length into the kitchen. It is now standing on edge leaning against the kitchen cupboards. Where I can mark out the necessary cut-outs for the hob and new sink. Both are due for delivery tomorrow. I shall have to get in a qualified electrician to connect the hob. 


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