11 May 2022

11.05.2022 Light rain but still busy.


Wednesday 11th 53F, bright overcast and breezy from SE-S-SW. A light mist. More rain promised for this afternoon. Woke early. Got up at 6.45. My back hurts. A walk will usually help with that. 

 A new and strange tulip has come up. Difficult to do it justice with a photo. It appears almost black to the naked eye. Particularly in these overcast and rainy conditions in deep shade. I used flash on the TZ7.

 The kitchen suddenly has an echo. The wall boards must have been dampening the acoustic. As was "the junk" on the floor. Now it is an empty box with a clear floor. I have a serious decorating problem in there now. The walls are much rougher than I remembered. Far too rough for paint without lots of preparation. The remaining, old wallpaper must go.

 After yesterday's successes I am afraid I am feeling sorry for myself today. There were tears in the lanes. Burning just beneath the surface as I walked back. Burning now as they stream down my face. The despair is unbearable. 

 I'll take the trailer to the recycling yard to get away. They don't open until 10.00. I'll have to find something else to do.The second trailer full must be delivered before it rains. The forecast has changed. It doesn't start until 16.00 now. I'll do some light shopping while I am out.

 12.15 The light rain has started just as I head off with a third trailer full.

 13.00 62F and lunch. I managed three trips and mostly cleared the garden in between. Which involved swinging a sledge hammer at a box made up of pallets. That made me feel better. 

 No shopping yet. The charity shops are closed until 1pm. Cleared most of the boxes lined up for sorting in the lounge. Light rain on and off. I have three bags of charity shop fodder in the trailer. They can go in the boot now. No point in taking the trailer. I might go to another village this afternoon. Dump the bags and do my shopping there. Just for a change of scenery. 

  I am still looking for furniture for the kitchen. I'd prefer something higher than my present, two picnic tables. It was not to be. The large, charity shop showroom had nothing suitable. Though I did manage to stuff three sacks of clothing and curtains in the containers outside. They accepted the box full of decorative biscuit tins I'd brought with me.  

15.00 I filled two bags with shopping at three supermarkets. Duplicating some stuff and forgetting others. Nothing serous nor desperately needed.

 I lack discipline in not taking my list every time. I have been making notes when things crop up. Then still forget to carry them over to a formal shopping list.  

The same tulip but no flash.

 16.00 I have lifted the new worktop onto two B&D workbenches. I wanted to mark out the cut-outs. The surface is protected by a film and shows pencil lines poorly. So I need to buy some masking tape.

 At least I remembered to take both dustbins along the drive. Friday 13th is a bank holiday. So the green bin is being emptied tomorrow instead.

  I have been searching through more of my wife's furniture. Where I found letters to my wife [from family members] from as far back as the 1960s. Birthday and Christmas cards too. All carefully stored for at least half a century. I had not a clue about this side of her lifetime collecting habit. Her furniture was always strictly private. I was never allowed near it. Nor had any reason to go looking in there.

 There were some early drawings and paintings by our talented son Tim. With whom we lost contact when we moved away. We [now I] have no clue whether he is even alive. He has no presence online under his real name. Not as far as I can discover. He would be fifty five now. 

18.30 52F.  The wardrobe is now empty. I gave away most of my "smart" clothes to the charity shops. This awful picture was taken with flash in very poor daylight conditions. Everything worth saving is now on a rail. The theory being that the creases will eventually drop out. The absolute opposite to myself of course. 😎

 I have tried searching for Tim online at intervals over the years. Much more often when my wife was very poorly. Though  nothing came up. It would have been nice for her to know he was okay before she died. I don't remember any friction between us when we last saw him. 

 I think he just lost interest in us when we moved away to Wales. The old cottage we'd bought was uninhabitable. So we lived in a garden shed for over a year. While we rebuilt it from a pile of field stones. Tim was an art student at the time and had gone abroad with friends when we moved. Those thirty five years now seems a very long time ago. 



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