Giving some form of camera to almost everybody on the planet is beginning to pay off. Idiot cyclists who attack and bully kids for putting up anti-racism posters can become world famous literally overnight. Y'all wanna be world famous, white trash? Your dreams have come true. The Chump Medal [for bravery in the face of overwhelming odds] is in the post:
Or, sociopathic police officers. Who shove over an unarmed and peaceful, 75 year old man in the street, causing serious injury. They may well enjoy their entire team resigning from their special, police, brutality force.
That doesn't stop the cameras truthfully recording their sociopathic behaviour. The fact that lockstep thugs wear uniforms makes it all the more telling. Thank goodness they have voted themselves off the streets. The people of America are all the safer for their absence.
Empowered and entitled? Not for very much longer. Automatically backing up your colleagues for the completely indefensible? Of course. Hitler knew how to bring out the bestial in weak men. As does Chump, of course. Appeal to the lowest common denominator.
Point the trained trash at a perceived enemy. It never [ever] fails. Watch the mindless behaviour of these particular thugs: Watch the third officer instantly squashing any sign of weakness, or empathy. Constant reinforcement. Ask no questions. Might is right. Reinforcement. No compassion. No sympathy. Reinforcement. No empathy. You are a trained animal. Nothing more. You are a low IQ robot. Nothing more. Intelligence has no place here. Reinforcement. Did you suppose you were chosen for your intelligence? Seriously?
The WHO is changing its stance on masks. The public should now wear [fabric] masks in public places and particularly in shops and on public transport. The mask is just one of several behaviours to protect yourself from the Jinping Virus. Social distancing and fastidious hand washing are equally important. Relaxation of the rules for society's movements does not mean the virus has gone away. Far from it!
It seems the average level of dumb ignorance amongst Americans has fallen far lower than many had feared. Huge numbers are bleaching food to try to kill the virus. A large fraction of the US population has gargled with bleach! Good luck with that! Is there any antidote to Brutalis Von Chump? Tragically, not yet.
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