The day continues with warm sunshine. Except for a period of cloud before lunch. Possible thunder and cloudbursts tomorrow.
Saturday 27th 63-82F, another hot day in prospect with possible thunder storms and cloudbursts. At 11am or 7pm depending on your loyalty to which seaweed fumbler. A smattering of cloud thickened towards overcast after my walk to the lanes. I saw and heard several birds singing. A bright Goldfinch singing loudly in a roadside tree. Then a pair of Yellowhammers. I could see the gorgeous male opening its beak at intervals but the frequency must have been well beyond my ageing ears. Still lots of warblers in the hedges.
A sickening smell of roasting pig on the air. I hope there hasn't been a fire at one of the pig manufacturers? We haven't heard any fire engines.We can usually hear them coming from miles away.
In a desperate bid to reignite the pandemic stricken economy, the Danish government is to release the people's holiday money earlier than expected. The downside: It will be released in October.. AND, it will be taxed into mere pocket change! Well, they still have to recoup the billions they gave away to every crook around the world who asked for a tax refund on completely fantasy businesses. The result of a money saving exercise in the Danish Tax Department.
So, not so much a carrot, as being publicly beaten with the carrot! 🥕Slap! 🥕Slap! 🥕Slap! 🥕Slap! 🥕Slap! 🥕Slap! 🥕Slap! 🥕Slap! 🥕Slap! 🥕Slap! 🥕Slap! 🥕Slap! 🥕 SLAP! Only in Denmark! 🤣
Mark's Very Own [terrorist] MaskBook Advertising Bureau is in serious trouble. All its biggest advertising customers are abandoning the soiled, extremist's, propaganda, bed sheet. The obvious question is why it took these hypocrites so long to jump ship?
One day and soon, advertising will be seen with the same contempt as the paedophile priest's sermons on morality. The present, supersaturated, global advertising load and obscene snooping on the entire world's private lives is well past its smell by date!
Cloacoal, the world's largest sugar wholesaler and arguably a genocidal force for evil, is to stop advertising on social media. Can anyone hear a deafening roar of silence? Imagine the CO2 they must be producing from their advertising alone? Probably the equivalent of a large country. Imagine working from 17-70 for Cloacoal. Then retiring to realise that they never did a worthwhile second of work in their entire lives. Big Tobacco workers are probably still in denial too.
Talking of CO2 mass production,: Danish owned shipping produces about the same amount of CO2 as the whole of Denmark. But are free from CO2 quotas and taxes. So, absolutely no pressure to reduce their destruction of the Earth then.
Sunday 28th 66F, supposedly cloudy all day. Yesterday's threat of thunder storms was a damp squib. It drizzled for a couple of minutes and we heard one rumble which might well have been a car door closing. Another walk to the lanes in very light traffic. A solitary hare was sitting in a side lane. It allowed me to take several, rather distant, snaps before it turned and fled back up the lane. First, real rain at about 12-15 but short lived.
Cloacoal has gone all limp-wristed on social media advertising. "There aren't nearly enough fat people yet!" Screamed the CeO[2.] Promising to reinstate advertising on Mark's Very Own [terrorist] MaskBook ASAP. I'm still waiting for MaskBook to put warning notices on its CEO's very own posts. Fake news and bullshit? Isn't that what they accuse Chump of doing?
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