Thursday 25th 60-80F, bright sunshine again. A brisk walk to the lanes. Not much to report except that it was beautiful. The crops are ripening to display gorgeous, new, vibrant colours. Or, perhaps I am suffering from toxic overload and becoming delusional. I may even start painting the landscape. Red?
The headlines:
Lemmings have been sighted in vast numbers on beaches in the UK.
Meanwhile Clown "shedloadsadosh" Boris has spent £900,000 [and change] on painting his toy plane at taxpayer's expense. He obviously didn't learn anything from his dose of the
Pootin the Perpetually Truly Awful has held a military parade entirely manned by vodka-laced, peasant conscripts. Whose families are held at gunpoint to prevent any real members of his alarmed forces from being seen to publicly wear masks of Pootin the Perpetually Truly Awful. Claimed to be a new form of psychological warfare to terrify any enemy, the plastic masks were cheaper than plastic surgery. Sly "Pandemic" Jinping is said to have donated the masks as an act of charity. As Russia runs out of government funding for more vodka.
A US/2 person has complained that "gawd's very own breathing app" is at serious risk from
Sly, of Jinping Pandemic fame, is now said to be unfairly rattling his sabres at tiny countries like India. This is shortly after bringing them to their knees in a blatant, biological weapons attack. Sly's thugs are now said to be building plastic sheds in the mountains to store their stone age weapons. Baseball bats [oficially signed by Chump] with 4" nails.
Chump von Educationally Challenged did bugger-all today and the entire world sighed with relief. Mind you, the day isn't over yet. He may still send in the heavily armed marines to clear a path to the nearest statue of a filthy rich, iSlaver, like Bozo. There are rumours that having declared civil war on people of colour he is aiming for the indigenous peoples next.That will be a sure vote catcher as his popularity rating hits a new, record low even amongst gap-toothed rednecks. Cynics suggest that he has fired so many people from the <cough> Blanke's House to ensure himself safe, social distancing.
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