1 Jun 2020

1st June 2020 Second US Civil War declared by Donny Von 1% in DIY Perfect Storm.


Monday 1st June 66-72F, bright sunshine. Busy at home.

Tuesday 2nd 60F,  some sun, or a little sun or lots of sun forecast.

The Second US Civil War has just been officially declared by Dummy Von Hypocrite [German immigrant] from the steps of Elysium.

While standing outside a <cough> church and clutching a <cough> bible. I know, I know! 🤣 Y'all couldn't make it up! 🤣 The symbolism of El Presidente Donny Von Victim needing an army and teargas to protect himself from "his own Great people" just to reach the nearest church for yet another photo op. 🤣

You can almost feel his victim-hood. After all, he never knowingly made a grand entrance to any room where the average IQ didn't instantly plummet by 10 points. Only those who were paid to do so bothered to hang around. Imagine always being the dumbest person in the room? It must surely get him down?

Shots have already been fired into crowds of peaceful protestors while police officers turned off their body cams. They killed a local businessman. Income level unknown, but presumed guilty of being poor, or black, or both. He [allegedly] refused to lie down to be summarily executed by a self-serving, white trash, police officer's knee at Von Chump's behest.

Donny Von Elite is sending in the [heavily armed] troops to maintain his grip on power. As his swindling election hopes rely solely on white supremacy activists, the Extreme Right, the KKK, Neo-Nazis, gap-toothed rednecks and multi-millionaire TV bible thumpers.

I can see quite a few cases of PTSD cropping up before long. Will black soldiers really open fire on their [unarmed] fellow countrymen? Will they then be guilty of war crimes? Or just murder?

History is certainly in the making. We must all hold our breath and pretend not to notice. While "Nero" Von Chump throws another, childish tantrum from the safety of his self-made bunker. [With the solid gold, personal toilet bowl.]

How will Chump get his white supremacy message out without Infantile Twatter? Well, there's always his billionaire buddy Mark's Very Own Maskbook [for dictators.] Pootin and Sly "Pandemic" Jinping must be laughing all the way to the bank! 😏

Never mind, I expect it's all just a "mild case of flu and soon over." What's a few more hundred thousand deaths in a pandemic? They were all going to die of [prescription] drug overdoses anyway.


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