12 Jun 2020

12.06.2020 Fears of even worse, second wave after re-opening.


Friday 12th 62F, grey overcast and rather breezy. A later walk to the lanes. Where the infinite variety of flowering grasses, on the verges, is quite mind blowing. Somebody, presumably the council, had sprayed off the concrete blocks on the insides of the bends. Killing all the poppies. The only plants which were growing there.

The grey skies gave the wind an almost melancholy feel. I do prefer a nice bit of sunshine.

Blogger is broken again. I'm getting a blank rectangle instead of being shown my images to select from. It finally worked after a dozen attempts. My ISP tech has given me advice to cure our Internet problems. It's right back up to 200Mbps for now after dropping as low as 40Mbps.

The EU is pressing hard for reopening of national borders. Which opens up Denmark to all the potential consequences of Sweden's lack of control. Denmark closed early and locked down tightly. With a total death toll, so far, approaching "only" 600. Germany is under better control and the tens of thousands of annual tourists, already here, pose much less of a threat than the Swedes.

If Denmark can keep a lid on things, for just long enough, then a vaccine or antidote might become available. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Meanwhile the southern US states are already seeing a massive upsurge in case after a mild relaxation of their lock down. Their hospitals will be totally unable to cope with many more patients.

Let that be a lesson to the career sociopaths who put economics before [lost] human lives. We need completely new ways of doing things. Which don't involve high annual growth rates. Nor a lifetime of utterly pointless commuting to a money recycling mill. Just to keep the money laundering, offshore investors happy! If the AI robots are going to push 60% or more out of a job then why not make the adjustments now? While we still have time and a completely unprecedented opportunity.


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