Sunday 7th 54F. Bright but cloudy and windy. More cloud expected. A walk to the lanes. The trash is back! As soon as they open up the lock-down the trash is back. And I'm not talking about the litter.
It must be difficult for historians to find another time in human history when a worst crop of self-seeking, self-promoting inadequates was wielding power. Von Chump [immignorunt], Tsar Pootin, Sly Jinping, Boris the Clown, Moronsons & Ballsarenarrow. What a bunch of utter wasters! What a waste of genes. What a waste of oxygen!
But was it really ever any different? Whatever the flavour of social control the scum at the top is always the cream of the crop floating on top of the political sewer. The message for humanity? If they are at the top then we must surely be the lower orders? If those at the top are worthless clowns and degenerate scum, then we must be something the dog brought in. On its filthy paw. We are unworthy! We must follow their orders to the death. We must practice and nourish our unquestioning sociopathy in every possible way.

Feeling important comes first. We thrive on the praise of lesser beings above us. Usually our bosses and leaders. Who must obviously enjoy a higher level of sociopathy than us. Because they are the [self] chosen.
And so on up the tottering tower of [supposed] leadership. Where each new level is a worse sociopath and always working at least several tiers above their natural ability.
The problem for humanity is that this is a strongly inverse effect. The higher they climb, the lower their ability. The mouthy, street sweeper rides in the presidential limousine. Propped up, by tier upon tier, of career civil servants, generals and advisors. All just hoping for a fat pension and a knighthood. As long as they don't question the orders from the raving fuckwit in the next bigger office upstairs.
Our pyramidal social control system even works up to a point. It has so much inertia that it takes a war or a pandemic to cause a famine of shiny new toys to bemuse us all. Until, that is, the one at the top begins to believe their own propaganda. You don't ever get to the top by being humble. It takes ruthlessness. It takes victims. Lots of them. It takes a lack of promotion for those with the most talent. Fair competition must not be allowed or comparisons will become inevitable. Valet or president? Eeeny, meany, miney, moron.

The inevitable result is exactly what we see around us every day. The lazy clown from the basement skyrockets to the top through self promotion. Every nation is an accident waiting to happen. We put far too much power in their hands. When they were already utterly corrupt.
Sociopaths have their own sense of right and wrong. Because they have no conscience it is always somebody else at fault. Because they are Teflon coated no amount of heat nor blame can affect them. All the other sociopaths, on their way up, see their chance to ride the storm into the stratosphere.
In reality, the human pyramid is actually inverted. It sways precariously on its pointy little nose. In an infinite desert, devoid of all humanity. The human race is a vast, ever-growing funnel. Where all the shit sinks straight to the bottom. Where our "great leaders" fight for office space and the limelight and cultured self-importance. As the pyramid sinks inevitably and inexorably into the darkness and the unknown of a dystopian future.
Those spread out at "the base" are actually enjoying freedom and fresh air and nature and sunlight. Except that they are constantly told these are worthless trivia. That they must bow to distant authority.
That they must take meaningless jobs in the dark, money mills for all their waking hours. To feed their offspring with poisons in order to become valued citizens of Earth. To grow fat and lazy and ride around in huge, shiny wheelchairs which pollute our planet. Without their wheelchairs they would be housebound and at the mercy of a "feeder."
They constantly moan about their poor health and their miserable lot. To end up in the soulless tower blocks and endless ranks of traffic blighted terraces. Reserved only for the truly unworthy. Those who were never intended to inherit the wealth of the 1%. Who live in their highly fashionable and infinitely unaffordable, lower basements and bunkers. Where being one of the 1% means being 99% sociopath. Where the difference between serial killers and employers is only a matter of time and sheer, bloody numbers.
Stay safe. Stay silent. Stay dumb. Question nothing you hear. You are unworthy!