Saturday 1st 34F/1C. Mist clearing.8.10 Up at 7.20 after being awake briefly at 4am and 5am.
8.45-9.15 A brisk walk to the lanes. Cold hands despite the gloves.
I was desperately trying to think of somewhere to go for a ride. Then decided to stay at home. To do some laundry and tidy the house and garden.
12.45-13.45 Occasional weak sunshine and still.
No time like the present! I started dismantling the observatory dome. It has been waiting too long. First I knocked out the lower covering panels with a 2x4. [50x10mm timber] The 2mm marine ply was no match and fell away to the ground. There followed the brutal removal of the lower crossbars.
Then I attached a rope to each rib in turn. So I could pull from the safety of the ground. Snapping each plywood rib in turn. Being careful to ensure the stronger, shutter ribs were towards the shed at the end. So that when it collapsed it wouldn't be on the shed roof right next door. The image above shows the final collapse of the dome after the last of the ribs gave way. Attaching the rope once more ensured it all fell forwards. Where it could do least harm.After lunch I continued. Removing the shutter ribs, trapdoor and emergency doors out to the original veranda. Most of the upper cladding has now gone too. The remaining boards are difficult to access. Because of the proximity of the shed and the larger drop behind the observatory.
I struggled with the quality of some of the Torx screws. They were far too soft. Allowing the Torx bit to rotate freely. As they are countersunk, the only remedy. Is a crowbar on the material they hold together.15.30 I am hot and tired and need a rest.
I had a nap to catch up.
Then returned later to tidy a little and collect my tools.
Dinner was grilled mackerel in tomato sauce on toast. With halved cherry tomatoes. I finished off with an apple for pudding.
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