6 Mar 2025

6.03.2025 Man flu.


  Thursday 6th. Bright.

 Up at 5am after a difficult night. I had a glass of water at 3am and 4am. I'll probably go back to bed. Which I did at 5.30. There followed a chain of dreams. Where I got up. Only to find myself still in bed when I opened my eyes. It was 7.30 before I finally matched reality. 

 In the meantime I seem to have lost the ability to type or move the mouse. I am hobbling about like an old man in short steps. Bent over with pain in my lower back. My nose is  just wet enough to make me a mouth breather. Though it's not really a man cold.

 10.00 44F/6.7C. Woke from another nap. Bright sunshine. 

 13.45 Shared commiserations on this dreadful disease with my friends. A couple of thousand infections per week and climbing. I thought I'd try sliced bananas in skimmed milk. My tongue hurt! Just had another shivering fit. 70F/21C in the room and I'm wearing a down jersey and fleece cap. Now I am trying weak tea. 107F/42C in the greenhouse. Perhaps I should stay out there?

 16.15 Slept for another hour. Had a toasted bread roll. Agonizing stomach aches!

 17.15 Lit the stove. It went out! I am not strong enough for this!

 17.25 Now going well.

 21.15 More sleep. The stove went out. Rekindled from the embers.  70F/21C.

 10.00 A shivering fit in 22C/72F. 








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