5 Mar 2025

5.03.2025 Walking wounded.


  Wednesday 5th 38F/3C. Cloudy and windy.

 Up at 6am after a disturbed night. I fell sleep while watching Netflix last night. When I woke I was shaking violently with the cold and feeling dreadful. Even though the temperature in the room was 68F/20C and I was warmly dressed. 

 I added a pair of fleece trousers and went to bed early in a thick jumper. I kept waking up, dripping with sweat and my mouth was dry. The fire bucket was half full this morning. Now I feel a bit dizzy, nauseous and aching all over. Probably from all that demolition exercise yesterday. I managed to eat my breakfast but feel like going back to bed.

 14.00 I have spent the day in bed. Dressed warmly. In pain every time I got up to go to the bathroom.

 16.30 More hours in bed. Or sitting on the edge dozing in a coma. My first cup of tea today. I thought I might be dehydrated.





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