9 Mar 2025

9.03.2025 Stayin' Alive!


  Sunday 9th A cloudier day and not so warm. The nose bleed stopped at about 11.15 and did not recur.

  Up at 6.30 after a quiet night of feeding the fire bucket and sci-fi dreams Which seemed dominated by two themes. In the first I was traveling quite quickly across a once civilized planet which had succumbed to sea slime. Possibly following sea level rise. I seemed to be flying over old railway lines and under towering bridges of columns. It was all very beautiful and peaceful.

 The second dream seemed to go on forever. It involved pods and suits. Which were suspended by nano-wires above a vast crater. Some hint of competition for longevity? I was trying to discover how they survived and why bother anyway? As it was such a mindless existence.

 This morning I had only taken a mouthful of muesli. When I remembered I hadn't taken my blood pressure. So it was all stop for quarter of an hour. All figures were more elevated than previous checks. I feel slightly better again today. Not ready for a walk or a ride. 

 I need some basic groceries. Though I don't see why I should spread my germs around the local supermarket. I'll leave that to those who have no choice or don't care. A modest online order might be an idea and allow me to continue resting.

 8.30 I just ordered the milk and bread rolls I needed. I have plenty of reserves for my simple meals. The sun is breaking though and it is quite still out there. Oh goody. Somebody has already taken my order.

 9.30 I was actually feeling hungry. So I toasted my last roll and had morning coffee. 

 10.00 My nice neighbours, who own the shared drive, were filling the potholes with gravel. There was a van and trailer involved. So it might have been the builders next door too. The dustbin/recycling company had complained about the state of the drive. Potentially damaging their vehicle. I hadn't been in a position to do anything myself.

 I am clearing the area around the back [main entrance] door. Where the shopping is to be delivered. It has been an absolute eyesore for years. Bags of composts, etc, half buried in fallen leaves. Stacks of gardening tools scattered loosely without the least organization. The recycling bins could be moved further away from the door. Make them less "looming."

 There's a rusting, decorative, Singer, cast iron, treadle sewing machine stand. With a heavy slate top. It does nothing but trap leaves. I probably shan't ever use it as a plant stand. My wife's small gardening tools still adorn it. Forlornly waiting to be made use of again. Somebody might want the stand if I advertise it. If I lived in town I could put a "Gratis" sign on it and park it outside the house. Nobody will ever see it here.

 The area is cleared but probably looks more down at heel than it did. The large gardening tools remain untouched. They enjoy being under the overhanging roof. Which helps to keep them dry. The problem is standing them up tidily. There are so many of them. It needs some kind of rack system. Which allows them to move straight forwards to release. No room for lifting upwards. Or, I could move them all elsewhere. Under the supposed carport? The observatory demolition is paused yet again.

 I had my milk and rolls delivered. Now I can rest. Doing the least work outside made me feel unwell.

 12.15 All internals doors are open. For the greenhouse to warm the house again. Minor laundry backlog cleared.

 I have been reorganizing the kitchen cupboards and airing cupboard. I was driven by a need to have easy access to the coffee mugs and plates. Not have them standing in the open on the [string repaired] drying rack. 

 Then I needed space for e-bike panniers. The airing cupboard was horribly underutilized and still is. Though I managed to stack boxes nearer the ceiling. Allowing the heavy boxes of reserve tiles to be shuffled about on the floor. I could then stand the excellent, Ortlieb Classic bags on the floor at the front of the stacks. 

 As usual I found a horde of my late wife's "treasure" in the boxes marked tiles. Gorgeous brass hinges and countless brass door knobs and handles. Which arguably will never be used again. Most of them are probably antique. She would buy them individually from flea markets just in case. I carefully tidied them all back in again and will leave it their next owner. To decide on their fate.

 The multiple stacks of colourful buckets. In the bottom of the airing cupboard and still unused. Could usefully be transferred to the far end of the kitchen. Where the storage space is currently wasted on polythene bags I shall never use. Worse, it is all on display! Instead of being hidden.

 13.40 56.5F/13.5C. Milky sunshine. Still over 100F/38C in the greenhouse. 70F/21C in the room. No bins tomorrow. Probably just as well or the loose gravel in the potholes. Would be flattened under the huge weight of their lorry.

 I had been dozing on the computer so had a proper 40 min nap. 

 Dinner was fish fingers and chips. Overcooked!




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